》Chapter 3 ➹ the feather

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        The door suddenly cracked open. I almost jumped in fear and looked at Isabelle in confusion.

    《Jace. He's not here》she said alarmed, walking up and down the room.

    《What do you mean he's not here?》Alec asked.

    《Has any of you seen him during the battle last night??》

    《Dammit》Alec sighed and slowly got up.

        The first thing to do in those kind of situation was probably don't panic. We should've tried to analyze every little detail about the night earlier. But, truth is, we were alarmed and we were panicking instead.

        I helped Alec get up and checked if his Iratze was healing him well. We left the room and stepped towards the Institute Leader's office. We all decided that the best idea was to have Isabelle speak to her; Alec would've just argued, and I didn't have a good reputation because of Magnus.

    《Rach, may I talk to you for a second?》Magnus asked, showing up out of nowhere.

        He grabbed my arm gently and carried me aside, not too far away from where Alec was standing.

    《About that book you gave me--》

    《Oh, I don't know much about it. I only read the first two pages and it was all rhymes and riddles》

    《You-- You read it?》

    《Only a couple of pages, why?》

    《I-- Okay, this is a serious problem》

        He nervously looked around and rubbed his hands against his tight pants, then ran his fingers in his hair desperately.

    《Magnus, what's wrong??》I whispered-yelled.

    《I cannot read that language. Nobody I had ever known can read that language》he whispered back.

    《What do you mean you can't read it? It's our language..?》

    《It is not, Rachél》

    《Okay, you're scaring me. I can swear it was our language, I read--》

    《That book is a code. It's a code for Angels》

    《So every Shadowhunter can read that, right?》

    《No, it's not like that》he whispered again.

    《Okay, we're ready to go and find Jace. You ready?》Alec interrupted.

        Magnus and I nodded simultaneously and exchanged looks before fixing our stuff for the upcoming mission.


        New York had, and still has, probably one of the biggest crowds in its streets. Looking for Jace in a huge city was exhausting and slightly depressing.

        We tried to take a look at every guy of the crowd and analyze their faces, hoping we would've spotted Jace's. But, who were we trying to fool? Why would Jace just wander around New York for no reason? He'd never do that. And we knew.

        I overheard Magnus asking Alec for something, anything, owned by Jace. So he could track him with his Warlock magic.

    《You might want to check this》Magnus said out loud, pointing at a narrow one-way sidewalk.

    《Did you find him??》Isabelle nervously asked, running in his direction.

    《No. But I found this》he answered with a very worried look.

        He was holding a black feather up high for us to see. I felt my heart shrink and skip a couple of beats. I slowly stepped forward and ran my fingers on it.

        It was the softest touch. I closed my eyes softly and brought the feather to my heart.

    《Is that a pigeon's feather?》Isabelle asked shocked.

    《Probably not》Alec answered quietly.

        I sighed of relief and opened my eyes with a small smile. Magnus hesitated and glared at me deeply.

    《It's not his, thank Goodness》

    《Good. A good new, after all》Magnus sighed of relief too.

    《What are you guys talking about??》Isabelle raised an eyebrow.

    《This is a Fallen Angel's feather》I quietly explained.

    《And it fortunately doesn't belong to Jev》Magnus added quietly.

    《And what does it have to do with Jace?》

    《I'm not sure》Magnus rubbed his head,《But there's a chance Jace had been taken away by a Fallen Angel》

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