》Chapter 20 ➹ unbreakable bond

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        The pathway of the cave was narrow, dark, and full of dust. I slid against the rock wall until the path stopped in front of a line of six metal doors. I grabbed Alec's bow from my shoulder and fixed it into my left hand. I slid an arrow from the quiver and stood steady.

        I inhaled and exhaled sharply with my eyes closed. I pointed the arrow in the middle of the room and walked parallel to all doors, my eyes still closed. I stopped in front on the second door from left and snapped my eyes open, having a strong feeling that Alec was behind that one.

        I carefully pushed the door and spotted Alec tied to the ground with wide chains. His eyes met mine and, for a brief yet intense second, my heart stopped beating and I seemed to forget how to breathe properly. I quickly recovered and explored the wide room with my eyes.

        There were eight shax demons surrounding the perimeter. I remarked the agility rune and soundlessly climbed up an old tube all the way above. I carefully shot three arrows simultaneously and hit the first three demons. I then jumped down and stabbed the fourth with my Seraph Blade, right before swinging and stabbing the fifth one.

    《Rach, behind you!》Alec yelled with a suffocated tone.

        I snapped around but the demon was so fast he threw me up in the air. I landed on the other part of the room, a piercing pain keeping me down.

        A sparkly purple smoke suddenly sped a few inches from me and burnt the remaining demons in a blink of an eye. I glanced up, my eyes met Magnus. He pulled me up by my arms and helped me stand still. I rushed to Alec and draw unlock runes on the chains, so we helped him get up.

    《Where's Emma?》Magnus asked while he made sure Alec wasn't injured.

    《She's with Jev, they're after Julian》

    《Jev?》Alec's voice cracked, a deep expression of pain on his tensed face.《Did he- follow you here?》

    《We need to find them and get out of here》I switched the topic.《Mag, can you please bring Alec to the car? Black Jeep Commander, it's in the middle of the square》

    《I'm not leaving your side》Magnus snapped with a strong sight.

    《Okay》I weakly smiled,《I'm sorry Alec, this is for your own good. You can't fight like this》

    《S-Sorry? F-For what?》Alec's eyes widened.

        I gave Magnus a soft nod, he nodded back and pecked Alec's cheek. He then threw his hands up in the air and opened a portal. We exchanged a quick look and pushed Alec in.

    《He will kill us》I smiled at Magnus, he returned a wide grin.

    《What matters is that now he is safe and sound》

    《And angry. Super angry》I joked, he chuckled.


        Magnus and I met up with Mark, Izzy, and Jace, in the middle of the cave. While trying to come up with a plan, Mark grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

    《A kiss?! Have you lost your mind?!》he scolded me in a whisper.

    《I had no other choice, Mark! What did you want me to do?!

    《I want you to talk to me! You need to stop keeping it all inside, Rachél, I'm serious

    《I can't- Mark, I'm- It's complicated

    《Trouble?》Magnus interrupted raising an eyebrow.

    《Discussing methods》Mark threw me a death glare and reached Jace and Izzy.

        Magnus kept his strong sight on me, and I knew he wouldn't stop until I'd split everything out.

    《What have you gotten yourself into, biscuit?》

    《I may have traded Jev's help with a kiss》I looked down, embarrassed.

        His smile fell right away, replaced by an authority expression.《You cannot kiss Jev Cipriano, I thought we discussed this enough times in the past months》

    《I didn't know what else to do. I know it's forbidden, I'm sorry. I know you're disappointed but-》

    《For anything in the world you will kiss a fallen angel, you hear me?》


        Angels chatter filled the exit to the cave. They sounded furious, obviously. Their prisoners had escaped and they didn't get the book.

        A tall statue of a demanding Angel called my attention. It was similar to the one who guarded City of Bones, similar to Raziel. But it wasn't him, it was a very different Angel. There were two other Angels ripping the wings off a Renegade with bare hands.

        "The kiss of the fallen will reveal the key".

        I froze and blinked, Magnus took a strong grip on my arm and pulled me against his chest into a portal.


         I rushed to the Institute common room and cracked the door open. Jev was on the ground, his cheeks bleeding, Alec on him throwing punches.

        Magnus sped and stopped him with his magic. Mark ran towards me and stopped me with his body.

    《Alec!》I managed to call.《What on earth are you doing?!》

    《A KISS??!》he yelled.

    《What's wrong with you all??! It's not like I sold my soul to him!》I argued.

    《He's a fallen》Julian pointed out.

    《And he's also the key to this mess!》I sighed exhausted.

    《A little late but still, Angel》Jev chuckled as he walked closer.

    《What are you talking about?!》Alec yelled.

    《The kiss of the fallen will reveal the key. It's the last line of the book. I have to kiss him. I'm sorry if this makes you all mad but it's the only way》

    《I have a pact with Lucifer, for you information》Jev rolled his eyes and moved his eyes to all of us.《After the kiss, I can't have any other physical contact with her》

    《You can bet your ass you won't》Mark threatened with an odd tone.

    《You agreed to that?》I raised my eyebrow to Jev.

    《Mark》Alec called out with a mad tone.《We need to talk. Now.》

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