》Chapter 40 ➹ meet me at our spot

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    I woke up abruptly. Wait, what? Had I been sleeping? When, how, what?

    《The sleeping Beauty had woken up》a strong unknown voice spoke.

    《Welcome to the Seelie Realm, Rachél Jackson》a female voice accompanied. I gazed up just to see the one and only Seelie Queen smirking in my direction. How the hell did I get here in the first place?

    I had heard lots of stories about her. Mostly from Mark -- being himself half-Seelie -- Jace, and Isabelle. What I knew about the Seelie Realm is that, whatever happened, I shouldn't have to taste anything. Fairies are very dangerous creatures, almost as much as mermaids probably. They can force you into things without you even noticing, which scared the hell out of me.

    《Your majesty》I bowed, as Jace had told me to several times, and showed a fake smile.

    《Please have a seat》she gestured a purple couch, so I did as demanded. She walked off her throne and eventually sat on an identical couch in front of me. -- 《I have heard wonderful stories about you. Are all of those true?》

    《I would be pleased to answer whatever questions, your majesty》

    《Good girl, you're easier than I thought》she smirked proudly before starting to cover me with questions. What the heck she even meant with that? --《Do you really have Lucifer's blood?》

    《Apparently》I faked another smile, wondering if somebody eventually knew I was there.

    《Nice》she smiled very widely,《Has the curse hit you yet?》

    《I'm afraid so, yes》

    《And what is it? May you tell me?》

    《Mh, yea, sure》I gulped unsurely. --《Raw vivid nightmares》

    《Oh, the Slumber curse. One of my favorites》she chuckled. Yeah, so funny.《Has your beloved Warlock found the antidote yet?》

    I almost choked on air as my eyes widened.《I-is there an antidote for that?》

    《Oh, of course there is》she laughed,《But you would lose a loved one. Are you interested?》

    《No》I stated firmly.《I'm good》

    《You mundanes and your feelings》she brushed off her hair and stood up.《We're done here. Thank you for your precious information》

    《What info-》

    《Bring her back》she demanded interrupting me. Two very tall Seelies walked up to me and grabbed both my arms, carrying me outside.

    《Oh, and, Miss Jackson》the Queen called one last time. I looked up at her.《If you change your mind.. the antidote is in Camille's hands》


    I had been left in the middle of a square, nearby a lake. To my surprise, no one was there. No one probably knew. How was it possible? However, I walked towards in the Institute direction with my mind full of new information. I didn't want to make the same mistake, I didn't want to lie to my friends. I had to tell them everything.

    I pushed the double front door and reached the common room, where fortunately everyone already was. I overheard them exchanging plans to come look for me. At least they tried. I smiled at the thought.

    《Hey》I spoke quietly, causing everyone to snap their heads at me.

    《Rach, what the heck?? Where were you??》Julian panicked.

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