》Chapter 21 ➹ the kiss

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    《Rachél》Emma called out in a whisper, Magnus and I snapped our eyes on her simultaneously.《Can you please come with me for a second?

        I exchanged looks with the Warlock who softly nodded. I moved my eyes to Emma and gave her a soft nod.《Sure》

        She held my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine. She carried me all the way to Alec's room, right before looking at me with a frown.《They're arguing for you》

    《What?! Why??》

    《The parabatai thing. Julian and I had no idea we couldn't say who was on the top of your list, I'm so sorry》

    《Oh, that》I sighed,《It wasn't a secret, don't be sorry. Alec is just being a weirdo lately. He will eventually grow over this, the sooner the better》


        I was about to knock on the door when the two Shadowhunters started yelling at each other. I carefully placed my ear on the door and overheard their discussion.

    《What is your problem, Alec?! You already have a parabatai!》

    《That's not the point! She doesn't need somebody else to risk her life for!》

    《What would happen if both Jace and her are in danger? Who would you save, Alec?? You would have the duty to save Jace, and I cannot cope with the thought of Rachél being defenseless and helpless》



    《NO, YOU STOP!》

    《ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!》I yelled and cracked the door opened and stared at both of them. I was so angry they both looked down at their feet.

    《I'm-》Alec started with the softest voice.

    《Shut up, Lightwood》I cut him off.

    《Mark》I sighed,《Can you please wait for me in my room? Will be right there》

    《Sure, no problem》he gave me a nod and left us alone.

        I shut the door closed behind me and sat next to Alec, who was now on his bed with his head in his hands.

    《Now I want you to tell me why you're so mad at the world for some reason, will you?》I whispered and caressed his hair gently. His eyes widened as he gazed up at me in shock.

    《What? You were expecting me to scold you and make you feel guilty?》I raised an eyebrow, he instantly looked down. Great.

    《Alec, if you don't talk to me I can't help you》I sighed exhausted.

    《I- You can't kiss Jev, he's a fallen》he blurted out with pinkish cheeks.

    《How is that even related to the parabatai thing?》

    《It's- It's not. But it bothers me》his sight steady on his feet. I raised an eyebrow and glared at him.

    《Okay》I breathed out,《Why?》

    《I- You are the only person I don't hate. I- I mean I don't hate any of them but it's different, I grew up with them》

    《Before I moved here, I lived in the Los Angeles Institute. Jev lived there too, that's how we met. I saved him and Mark from a shax demon》

The Secret Of Angels // Magnus Bane ☆Where stories live. Discover now