》Chapter 8 ➹ prince of hell

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        I slowly opened my eyes and blinked, trying to adjust to the unusual light. I looked around and spotted Magnus sitting on the dusty ground of some kind of prison cell. I got up and sat next to him.

    《My Magic doesn't seem to work in this place》he spoke, spacing out.

    《I'm sorry, this is all my fault. I should've─》

    《Don't even mention it. It is not your fault, Rachél》he demanded.《Alexander will be here quite soon》

        The cell door opened abruptly, showing an average tall figure. He stepped closer, looked down at us, and sighed.

    《What are you doing here?》he asked.

    《It's not like they asked us if we wanted to be in a freaking prison for who knows how many hours》

        The young guy rolled his eyes《Always so overdramatic, Angel

    《I'm not overdram-- don't call me angel》

    《Can we please make it quick already? Jev, get us out of here》Magnus scoffed.

    《I can get you out of here, but Rachél needs to talk to the Angels》

    《Again??》I scoffed.

    《She already informed your people about that dusty book you all seem to cheerish》Magnus said with his eyes stuck on the black haired guy.

    《I promise I will keep an eye on her the whole time. Just give us from five to ten minutes》

    《I don't trust the Angels' promises》Magnus crossed his arms.

    《I wasn't always part of the good Angels, you know my story. ─ I've seen things, when I was condemned. They ripped off my wings with bare hands, and pushed me on earth. They made me mortal. Because I was in love. So, Mr Bane, my promises are far better than theirs

        We stayed silent. I softly layed my hand on Magnus' arm. He glanced down at me with a guilty sight, like it was all his fault for some reason. I assured him that I would've been just fine. I told him to go find Alec and assure him as well, he nodded.

        I layed my eyes on Jev. He had never been Jev to me, I would always call him the same name he introduced himself as the first time. I trusted him, even now that he wasn't a Fallen Angel anymore. For as much as he tried to hide his wings with some odd magic, I knew they were white now. When I first met him he had black feathers, which will always be the symbol of what he was. Of what we were.

    《Did you miss me, Angel?》

    《Shut up》I sighed exhausted, as we let Magnus escape through a portal.

        We walked down some iron old stairs. The downer the got, the hotter the temperature we experienced. All the beautiful drawings of Angels on walls started to disappear strangely, the lightning got week.

    《Don't be scared》Jev smiled, as he held my hand in his. I quickly pulled and looked around in fear.

    《Patch. Where are you taking me?》

    《You'll see》

    《You're getting on my nerves》I muttered under my breath.

    《My sweet loving child》a strong deep voice spoke.

        I froze in shock as a beautiful guy stepped towards me with a wide grin. He had black hair and green eyes, he looked completely stunning. He was probably an Angel, all of them were naturally beautiful creatures. He looked 25 years old, or maybe 28.

        I suddenly felt at ease next to him, like I had known him for all my life. As he slowly caressed my cheek, a sharp wind traveled my skin.

    《You are just like I imagined you to become. Fierce, intuitive, sweet. I was dying to meet you, my child》the guy spoke.

    《I─ Who─》I stuttered, unable to step back or even move.

    《Jev, you can go now》he demanded.

    《My lord, the pact stated─》

    《I don't care, you'll wait for her upstairs》


    《Why do I feel like I know you?》I managed to find the strength to say.

    《Don't be silly, of course you know me. I have given to you all the power you have》


   《Let's just say I'm a very humble person who likes to help the ones in need》he smirked,《I have seen you so fragile and vulnerable. I have fought for you to live. They wanted to take you away, they didn't want you to have my blood》

    《You gave me your blood. You─》

    《I did. For a good reason. They wanted to kill you, so they could keep you as a prisoner in their Heavenly prison. Which is basically a real prison ─ just in Heaven. What a bummer.》he scoffed,《Anyway, I kept you safe. And there's only one thing I want you to do now》

    《Okay, wait a minute. Who wanted to kill me? Fallen Angels? That's why they want the book?》

    《You have the book》he smiled so wide it almost looked creepy.《Fallen Angels are trying to keep you safe. The good Angels want that book more than anything ─ and they will not care if they will have to kill you》

    《I'm confused. Could you please just─》

        I took a deep breath and walked over the dark rock wall. I slid down and held my head in my hands. The black haired guy walked slowly towards me and sat on the ground as well, his green sparkly eyes studying me.

    《I don't want you to get hurt》he softly said as he caressed my hair.《That's why I want you to stick with Magnus Bane and Alexander Lightwood》

        I snapped my eyes at him in confusion.

    《I can sense they love you ─ more than I expected, actually. I want you to be careful. And whenever you'll need me, you'll find me here》

    《They won't accept that truth about Raziel. Shadowhunters, they─》

    《Oh, no, sweetheart. Raziel and his Angels are untouchable. They are good, even to me. The ones that want you dead ─ they call themselves good, but they are not. They are nothing like Raziel. They are called Hybrids of Heaven

    《You're the one who saved me when I was dying as a baby?》I asked with tears in my eyes.

        I don't know what it was. Don't know why I felt so attached to this guy who showed up out of nowhere. He nodded sweetly as he pecked an intense kiss on my cheek.

    《You're─ You're Lucifer

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