》Chapter 2 ➹ head of the Institute

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        Magnus' eyes widened, and the first thing he asked was:《How is Alec??》

    《He's healing. But I'm also here for another reason》

        He raised an eyebrow, so I explained to him everything about the night earlier and the book I found.

    《This is one of the rarest books about Angels》he studied in surprise,《Where did you say you found it?》

    《Outside the Institute, on the grass. Is it any relevant?》

    《Are you serious?? This is-- Can I keep it?》

    《Sure, I guess》

        He hid the ancient book in one of his special Warlock shelves and grabbed a jacket.
    《Let's go》he demanded, I nodded and left with him.

        My day wasn't supposed to get any better, apparently. In fact, a new Head of the Institute welcomed me and gave Magnus a dirty look.

    《What is a Warlock doing here?》

    《He's part of the squad》I informed, I could see Magnus forcing a smile.

    《There will be no squad after what happened last night》the woman said.

        Her hair was as black as the night sky, her eyes dark brown. She places her hands on her hips and stared down at us. Magnus and I exchanged looks, she was going to be a problem.

    《If you excuse us, Alec needs our cures》I broke the ice.

    《Really? Are you two health experts now?》

    《You don't even know us?》

    《Oh, I wish. Your reputation anticipated you and your friends》she scoffed,《I am Gale, the new Head of the Institute, and will be for a very long time》

    《It'd be nice chatting about our lives and if we either prefer dogs or cats. But, as I said, Alec needs us》


        I opened Alec's door, and Magnus rushed by his side next to the king bed. The black haired Shadowhunter showed a hint of a smile after glancing at me. I immediately knew what it meant. Thank you for finding Magnus, thank you for not making me die, thank you for carrying me to my bed.

        But I also knew he wouldn't say. He was a stubborn, a grumpy stubborn full of pride. But I loved him anyway.

    《Did you meet the new Head of the Institute?》I asked Isabelle, who reached us a few moments later.

    《Don't even mention it. I hate her already》she whined.

    《I have fought with her a couple of times in the last 10 minutes》Alec spoke.

    《Already?》I chuckled softly, he widely grinned back.

    《You're going to get your ass kicked out of the Institute one of these days》Isabelle rolled her eyes.

    《How did you convince her to make Magnus walk in, by the way?》she added in a whisper.

    《It's a secret

        It surely wasn't a secret how much I cared about Alec. No one in the Institute except for my close friends actually believed it. That's only because Alec was a little-- let's just say he doesn't like anyone.

        Jace was softer, that is entirely true. And I cared about him a lot too. Just-- Alec reminded me of myself in the past few years of my life. He was simply hiding behind a shell, he had built billions of walls so people wouldn't get too close to the real fragile him.

    《You still with us?》Isabelle waved against my face.

    《Stop》I laughed.

    《Oh, you're alive then》she grinned. She then studied me and smirked.

    《Magnus, will you please come with me and inform Jace about our plan?》she added.

        Magnus nodded and gave Alec a peck on his soft dry lips. They both smiled at the touch, it was so cute I felt my heart skipping a beat.

    《Tell him》Isabelle whispered in my ear before leaving the room together with Magnus.


    《Are you worried about the plan?》Alec asked, breaking the ice.《I am too. It'll be a complete disaster》

    《Alec》I softly spoke in a whisper.

        I took a deep breath and sat on the bed next to him. He didn't speak as he tried to study me. I gave him a hint of a smile, but soon hid it.

    《I was terrified, earlier this morning》I finally admitted.

        He sat up and glared right into my eyes with a wondering look.

    《I opened my eyes and saw your numb body on the ground and-- I thought I lost you》I sighed, looking away, trying to fight back my tears.

    《But I'm okay now》he sweetly smiled,《I'm okay

    《I know, I'm very happy you are stable now》

    《I know you are. I am irresistible》he joked.

    《Shut up, grumpy》I chuckled and blushed.

    《Do you think the plan will turn out good?》he asked.

        That was one of the things I liked about him. If anyone he cared about looked uncomfortable he would switch the topic to something relevant.

    《I hope. But Gale is not going to like it one bit》I sighed.

    《Who said she has to know》he evilly smiled.

The Secret Of Angels // Magnus Bane ☆Where stories live. Discover now