》Chapter 18 ➹ parabatai

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        After a few days of healing, I sneaked into the training room at night. I wasn't recovering completely fast and well, but I was tired of being in bed all day. I walked up the small staircase and grabbed Alec's bow from the weapon stand.

        I placed the bow in my left hand and fixed the quiver. I slid three arrows and made it swing in my fingers, before positioning all of them on the bow string. I stood steady, eyes on the three targets hanging on the opposite part of the room.

    《You should be sleeping》a deep voice spoke from behind me.

        I raised an eyebrow at the black haired Shadowhunter and kept my sight steady on him. I smirked, challenging him to watch me. I breathed out and released the arrows, my eyes still on Alec. The three arrows sped to the other part of the room and all hit each target.

    《Very impressive》Alec laughed softly,《I wonder who taught you so well》

    《It doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm now overcoming him》I teased.

    《Not even close》he huffed with a grin, we laughed.

    《If Jace wasn't my parabatai, you would be a good candidate》he suddenly blurted out. I almost chocked at his words.

    《That's not a good thing to say》I tried to move the subject in anothet direction.

    《I know》he chuckled with pinkish cheeks,《I know. Just- we kinda act like parabatai anyway》

    《Well, you don't need a rune for sacrificing your life for somebody you care about》I smiled shyly.

    《Yeah you're right》he grinned,《But still. I would love to have you as parabatai》

        Drop this already! I kept shouting into my head. I wanted to shout at him, release all the feelings weighting on my chest. But I couldn't. I just couldn't. He was in love with Magnus. My Magnus. The first person who kept me safe under his wings. And he obviously wasn't interested in girls anyway. All that was stupid. My feelings were stupid.

    《What's up?》he eventually asked, raising his eyebrows.


    《You look.. I don't know- sad》

    《I'm just tired》I lied,《You know, I've been scratched and almost died in less than 48 hours》I giggled nervously.

    《No, it's not that》he walked closer, cutting the distance between us.《There's something else》

    《There's nothing else, Sherlock Holmes》I rolled my eyes, trying to act as natural as possible.

    《Alright, I believe you》it worked,《For now. Let's get back to bed》


        Sun-rays entered my window, causing me to blink and moan in disapproval. I gazed up and almost jumped in fear, my heart beating faster.

    《Mark, what the hell!》I yelled.

    《Sorry》he laughed,《Everyone's on a mission, I'm bored》

    《What mission?》I gasped.

    《They wouldn't say. They thought I would've split everything to you》he frowned,《But they were probably right so it's acceptable》

        My door cracked open, revealing the one and only, also unexpected, Lucifer. I moved my head to the side and raised an eyebrow, confused. Mark did the same.

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