》Chapter 10 ➹ Blackthorn

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        I fixed the pile of laundry and folded every t-shirt each by each. I perfectly knew the difference between Alec's and Jace's, talking smells. Alec's clothes smelled softer, familiar, way too good for my poor senses. Jace's, on the other way, mostly smelled like colognes, a very good smell as well.

        I divided the laundry on my bed as I went on. Isabelle's shirts were on the upper left, Clary's on the upper right, Alec's on the left, Jace's on the right, and ─ last but not least ─ mine in the middle.

        I grew up more comfortable with living in the New York Institute. I loved the Lightwood-s, and I loved Magnus. I couldn't imagine life without any of them. Even if sometimes I missed the Los Angeles Institute and the Blackthorn-s.

        I heard footsteps in the hallway and smiled. I walked towards my room's door and opened it, revealing a confused Alec.

    《How did you know?》he raised an eyebrow, impressed.

    《I seem to have a high sense of earing》I grinned, I gestured him to enter and closed the door behind us.

    《You know you don't have to fold our clothes all the time, right?》he eventually asked as he glared over my bed.

    《I like folding your guys' stuff, it's no problem》

        He sweetly moved his block of folded clothes and sat at the feet of my bed. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him.

    《You wanted to talk to me or this is just a pleasure meeting?》I asked. He gazed up into my eyes and sighed.

    《I am busy today. You know, with Magnus》

        I felt my heart drop but quickly recovered and looked away.《Is there any issue?》

    《You will have to train with someone else, just for today》

    《Oh》I frowned, yet sighed of relief. Just for today didn't sound too bad.《It's okay, I can train on my own. Just gonna punch that punching bag and throw some arrows. No problem. I can do that》

    《I have no doubt about that》his lips slowly curved up into a glimpse of smile,《But ─ well ─ someone asked to replace me》


        I could see his eyes gazing deeply into mine, as he smiled. I wondered what he was thinking. I wondered what was he smiling for. Was it because he had to see Magnus? Probably. Was it because he was relieved he didn't have to train me for one day? Hard to say.

    《He's waiting for you in the training room. You might want to hurry》he grinned widely one more time.


        Alec instantly stood up and kissed my forehead sweetly. And, by that, I knew everything was okay. Before leaving my room, he suggested hurrying to the training room as soon as possible, as he was waiting for me. He who?

        I tried to remember every male person I knew who could enter the Institute and would eventually want to train me. Probably not Simon. Not Jace, for obvious reasons. Not even Patch, he wasn't allowed in.


        I reached the training room a few moments later. A guy's back was facing me, a very familiar young guy.

        His dark brown hair was a little longer than I remembered, forming little curls on his ears. He was wearing the training suit, his arms full of runes. I stepped slowly, taking a deep breath every other step.

        My hands were sweaty, so I rubbed it on my training black tight pants. I opened my mouth, ready to speak, the guy's back still facing me.

    《Jules?》I asked with a low tone.

        As soon as I spoke, he instantly turned around and glared at me. I couldn't forget his big greenish eyes, who were now studying me.

    《Julian》I lowly spoke again as he quickly rushed into me and wrapped his arms around my froze body.

        I gave in right away, hugging him the tighter I could. I smelled his hair, and it was very much likely smelling the ocean and all the sand around it.

    《I missed you》he whispered against my hair,《So much

    《Hey! Don't I get a hug?》another familiar voice interrupted with a glimpse of laughter.

        It was Mark. Mark Blackthorn. Half Seelie - half Shadowhunter, Julian's older brother. Everyone knew he was the one who I had been closer to, back in Los Angeles. His eyes were still greenish-gold, as sparkly as I remembered. His blonde curls lay on his pointy ears. He grinned widely as I rushed and jumped on him.

    《What on earth are you two doing here?!》I asked shaking, tears of happiness in my eyes. Mark put me down as gently as you would put down a baby.

    《Two? Who said it was two》a girl spoke.

    《Emma?》I gasped,《I had to expect that though. Julian never leaves without you》

        The training session was more of a few punches between our chat. We had a lot of things left unsaid. I showed them what Alec taught me with the bow, and Mark showed me he was now confident in drawing runes again.

        I reached my room with Emma, Julian and Mark went showering before us.

        Emma's hair was so blonde, as lightful as the sun. She braided it in two sections, dropped her tired body on my bed, and sighed.

    《Emma》I spoke softly.《Can I ask you something?》

    《Sure, go ahead》she chuckled.

        I slowly sat next to her laying body and looked down at my hands.《How did you fix that thing ─ you know ─ with Julian》

        There was an uncomfortable silence in the room at that point. The blonde girl slowly sat up and stared at me as sweetly as she could.《Some things you just can't fix》

    《But, I mean ─》

    《You're in love with your parabatai?》she asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

    《No, I ─ I don't have one》

    《Oh, so who's the lucky guy?》she asked in the same tone as women ask about gossip at the hairdresser's.

    《You don't know him》I lied, blushing way too much.

        A soft knock at my door, fortunately, distracted Emma away from staring at me and studying my feelings. The door opened, revealing Mark and Julian both with their hair soaking wet.

    《You know, we have blow-dryers eventually》I joked as Emma burst into laughter.

    《Rach, Alec told me to inform you that he organized a dinner tonight here at the Institute for all of us》Julian smiled, as water drops were falling from his hair.

    《He also said he needs you at his room by six, because he can't decide what to wear》Mark added, confused.

    《And that you always seem to know what exactly fits him and makes him look good》Julian continued with a chuckle.

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