I don't care (Varchie)

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Veronica POV:

I'm not a criminal. According to people at school, I am. It's all my parent's doing. All I do is not my head and agree, no matter how stupid and horrible my daddy's plans are.  It's just not fair. It's like my parents are mentally abusing me.

My alarm starts ringing, informing me to get ready for school. I wonder what today's going to bring. I get dressed in a black top and a floral printed skirt. I do all the normal things a teenage girl would do like brush my teeth and eat breakfast. I wave goodbye to my parents and walk out the door, walking to school.

As I enter the school gates, Betty, Archie, and Jughead greet me. At least I have my friends by my side. We walk into the student lounge and talk for about 20 minutes.

" So V, how are you holding up? Are you okay?" Betty says worriedly.

"Betty, can we talk in private?" I say as she nods. We leave the boys with confused faces. We walk to the hallway and stop at our lockers.

" What's wrong Veronica?" She asks again.

" I...I just can't handle that people think I'm a criminal when I am the daughter of criminals who want to build a prison from what was once a bloody school. I keep getting death threats and .... and messages from unknown people saying that I should kill myself " I say as a small tear falls down my cheek. Betty hugs me.

" Have you told Archie?" She asks mentioning my boyfriend.  I shake my head. As if by magic by the mention of his name, Archie Andrews walk up to me and my best friend.

" Veronica can I talk to you?" he asks. Betty then takes a step back and nods.

" I'll leave you two and go find Jughead" She says and starts looking for her boyfriend.

I turn to face Archie. I look at his gorgeous face. Worry is plastered all over it.

Archie's POV:

I stare into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Veronica are you ok? I've been really worried about you lately?" I ask. As she opens her mouth, the bell for first-period rings. 

" Meet me at Pop's after school?" She says ad I give her a peck on the lips.

" Definitely," I say as we both smile. 

At Pops ( Still Archie's POV):

I sit in a red booth and suddenly hear the bell go off for the door. I see Veronica and wave. She walks over to me with her gorgeous smile.

" Hey," I say as she pulls me into a sweet kiss. 

20 minutes later

Veronica tries to smile but the tears have won.  She had told me everything. Everything that has happened to her at school and all the blame she has gotten due to her parents. Before she breaks down crying I kiss her. The kiss last for a few seconds and I can feel her smile. 

" Veronica, i don't care about the things your parents are doing, no matters what happens to Riverdale. You are such a Beautiful, kind, funny smart women, who, when I first set eyes on you,  I fell head over heels for you. I love you" I say giving her a small smile.

She kisses me with such passion and love. After the kiss, she smiles and looks directly into my eyes. A small tear falls down her cheek. I wipe it gently with my thumb.

" Archie Andrews, I love you with all my heart too," she says.

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