party animal (bughead)

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"betty let's go!" V says shouting up the stairs.

"I'm coming"   I shout back, doing the last bit of my makeup.

Walking down the stairs, I do the last adjustments of my dress. It's a very short black dress, perfect fro clubbing.

"wow B you look hottt! All the boys are going to go crazyy" Veronica says winking.

Blushing, I grab my purse and walk out the door.

"Let's do this"

Walking into the club, the bright lights and music hit me like a punch in the face. People screaming the words while dancing, the lights shining in every direction.

"Lets dance!" Veronica says and grabs my hand gently. She guides me through the crowd of people to and empty spot on the edge of the dancefloor.
Veronica suddenly burst out dancing, turning around and throwing her arm in every direction.

"Come on Betty! Just feel the beat" She say jumping.

My body sways to the rythm. I ran my hands through my hair and swing my hips.

Song after song, Veronica and I were jumping all over the place laughing without giving a care in the world.


"Here you go sir"

I pick up my beer and down it down, drinking away my feelings.

Staring at the floor, I gaze at the carpet silently as the music bursts my ear drums.

Suddenly, someone hits my shoulder, throwing me foreward.

Turing around to find the Idiot, my eyes wander over to something else. Her

This girl was swaying her hips and throwing her hands all over the place. Her hair was wildly shaken a couple of times and she slowly moved her hands down her waist. Her dress was short and showed her curves.

God damn

She was like a magnet. And I was so attracted to her.

Getting off my seat, I walk over to her.

Before I'm able to reach her, another girl knocks into her. She falls back, losing balance.
Swiftly, I catch her in my arms and stare into her beautiful eyes.


Those eyes. I ws lost in those mysterious but beautiful eyes.

"tt-t" I stutter.

"Jughead Jones" He say smirking. He pulls me back to my feet and grabs my waist with one hand.

"may i have a dance" He says whispering in my ear.

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