Baby? (Varchie)

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Veronica's POV:

I wake up groaning. My head pounding.

" Arch?" I say to my snoring husband. Nothing.

" Archie? Archie!" I say shaking him.

"I'm up, I'm up" Archie says jolting up.

"Can you call my boss and tell her i still feel bad and won't be able to come in today" I say as Archie gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"Yeah sure Ronnie. I've got to get ready for work anyway" Archie says getting out of our king-size bed. As Archie gets changed I start to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

3 hours later

I wake up to a massive sharp of pain in my stomach and something tickling up my throat. I throw the covers of me and dash to the toilet. I manage to make it and throw up last nights dinner. After a few minutes I pull my self up slowly and reach for my phone.

"Betty?" I manage to say as my best friend answers the phone.

"Oh hey V! Are you ok, you don't sound good?" Betty asks worriedly.

" Can you come over?" I say.

A knock comes from the front door. I open the door, revealing Betty and her son. My god-son. The spitting imagine of Betty and Jughead :)

" Hey Cheeky" I say as the 2 year old runs into my arms. Worry is plastered all over Betty's face as I struggle to pick up her boy.

" Hey honey, I think you should go play in the living room while I talk to Auntie Veronica" Betty's says as she points to the room., He nods and plays with his car toy he brought. Me and Betty walk into the kitchen.

" Whats wrong?" She asks. I take a deep breath.

" I've been sick every day for the past week" I say as Betty nods.

" Is your diet good?" She asks.

"Um I quess" I say.

"Have you missed a period?" Betty says. Shoot.

" Yes" I say slowly.

" Veronica, do you know what this means" Betty's says smiling.

"  OMG" I say realising.

" We need to go shopping now!" Betty says grabbing her coat.

Part 2?

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