No (Bughead)

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Betty's POV:

I wake up groaning. My head was pounding and my stomach was aching with pain. I drag myself out of bed into my shower. The hot water running down my body. Sure, the water woke me up a little, but I still felt horrible. I skip breakfast and get changed into a simple outfit. Jeans and blouse. A soft knock comes from my door.

" Honey, I don't think you should go to school" Mum says worriedly as she sits on my bed.

" Why? I'm fine mum" I say as I pack my school books in my bag, completely ignoring my mother.

" Elizabeth, You're not. You haven't eat breakfast and your just not yourself" Mum says.

" I said I'm fine!" I shout. Mum looks a bit taken back at my tone. " Look I'm sorry Mum, I'm just tired" I sigh sitting down next to her.

" Ok fine whatever you say. If you change your mind I'll be downstairs dear" Mum says as she gets up and leaves my room. I lye down on my bed, sighing.

Alice's POV:

I know my daughter.

Betty is not her normal self. She's hiding something.


" Hello?" Betty's boyfriends, Jughead Jones, asks confusedly.

" Hi Jughead, Its Alice Cooper" I reply.

" Mrs Cooper? Whats wrong?" Jughead asked

" Betty is not feeling like herself today, I think she's ill" I say.

" I'm on my way" Jughead says and ends the call.

Betty's POV:

A knock comes from the front door.

"Betty, Can you get that for me!" Mum shouts from downstairs

" Sure!" I yell as I run down the stairs.

I open the door, revealing Jughead Jones.

Comment for a part 2!

I would right more but i'm really tired and I have loads of homework. I will write a part 2 if you want me to :)

Keira x

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