missing u (Varchie)

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Archie's POV:

I wake to a deafening thud on the door. I sit up slowly, adjusting to my surroundings and rub my eyes. The thudding noise still repeats. I yawn and throw my duvet of me. As I walk out of my door I pick up my bat that leaned on the wall.

I walk slowly down the stairs and hear a door open. I look up and see my dad in his dressing gown, with big circles under his eyes, raise his eyebrow. He walks down the stairs and pushes in front of me. He turns to face me and put a finger on his lips.

"No Dad. I won't let it happen again" I whisper and push in front of him and grip my bat tighter, walking towards the door.

"Archie!" He whisper-shouts.

I take a deep breath and open the door slowly. As soon as I see the face I drop the bat.

"Betty?" I say confused.

"Archie, may I come in?" She says teary-eyed and her voice cracking.

Shall I continue this? This is just a short snip-it of a one-shot!

P.s Thank you for 23k reads!

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