No (Bughead) PART 2

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Betty's POV:

I open the door revealing Jughead Jones.

"Juggie?" I question as my boyfriend walks past me. I giggle at him.

" Betts, your not going to school today" He says sternly facing me. I raise an eyebrow.

" And why, may I ask, not?" I say imitating my boyfriends seriousness. He smirks.

" Cause I said so" He says.

"Oh really" I say walking closer to him slowly.

" Yes" He chuckles as he puts his hands on my waist.

" Well......... You have to catch me first" I say and dash out of his embrace to the kitchen. I hear him yell while laughing.

" Right you asked for it Elizabeth Cooper!" Jughead yells and starts to chase me. He finally catches up with me and picks me up over his shoulders.

" Jug, put me down!" I scream while laughing. He throws me on the sofa and tickles me in my week spot. My waist.

" AHHHHH JUG!!" I manage to say in between laughs. I hear Jug chuckle.

" Whats going on here?" My mum says as she walks down the stairs. She then sees whats been happening and bursts out laughing.

" You carry on tickling her" She says as she grabs her bag and coat and walks out the door to go to work.

"MUMMM" I yell. I hear mum giggle as she shuts the door behind her.

Jughead stops tickling me.

"So what movie?" Jughead says.

3 and half hours later

Me and Jughead were wrapped around each other with blankets. Titanic credits roll on the tv. I wipe the tears from my eyes and Jughead chuckles at me.

"Hey this movie gets me very time!" I say and playfully punch him on the chest.

" It's okay i guess" He says smirking as I roll my eyes.

"Thank you for coming today" I say smiling at my love.

" Anything for you Juilet" Jughead says and kisses my forehead.

"I love you" I say.

" I love you too" Jughead says as I pull him into a kiss. I then snuggle back on his chest ad he puts his arms around me. The titanic song was quietly playing in the background ad we both drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Suddenly I felt back to normal and definitely didn't feel ill :)

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