New year resolutions (bughead)

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Jugheads Pov:


"ten minutes to go buddy" Archie says smirking. I nudge him with my shoulder.

"Shut up" I whisper. He winks and walks over to his girlfriend, Veronica.

I stare at the  blonde beauty sitting opposite me, peacefully watching tv.

"Juggie?" She says, turning to face me.

"Y..yes Betts?" I answer.

"Whats your new year resolution?" She say interestingly.

"Um I haven't really though about it" I say. That's a lie.

"Oh" She says then turning back to the screen.

Bettys Pov:

"I haven't really thought about it" Jughead says shrugging.

"Oh" i say turning back to the tv.

why did those words sting a little?

what am i thinking? it's not like Jughead Jones will just say "Betty cooper I'm in love with you"

and then we kiss and...

"5 minutes!" Archie yells from the kitchen, snapping me out of my daydream.

After about 4 minutes of lounging around, we all gather together to watch the fireworks on tv.

Jughead stands next to me and smiles. He then slips his hand in mine. I blush.




He puts his other arm around my waist and pulls me towards him until we are face to face.




"betty" He says and tugs a strand of loose hair away from my face gently.




"Happy new year" He whispers


"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" Everyone shouts happily.

Jugheads lips crash on mine. I melt at his touch. A wave of electricity jolts through me. He then slowly pulls away and locks eyes.

"do you want to know what my new years resolution is?" He whispers softly, his hot breath tickling my skin.

I nod slowly, not able to speak.

"To make you my girlfriend" He says and leans in for another kiss.


I hope you all had a great time celebrating with family :)

2019 here we come!

(lol i know its a bit late)

K x

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