Prom? (Varchie + Bughead)

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" Sooo Prom is coming up soon" Betty says winking at me while I laugh at her.

" Betty, I doubt Archie is going to come because he's got to much on his plate to handle" I say while shutting my locker door.

" That's a shame" She says and pouts. We both laugh.

" Sooo has Jughead asked?" I say, smirking as the blonde blushed as I mention her boyfriend.

" Umm no" She says glumly." To be honest he has a lot to handle too. With the serpents and all." 

Not for long  I say in my head as a certain raven haired boy with a leather jacket and holding a bouquet of flowers, walks over to us. I smile.

" What?" Betty asks as she sees me smile. I'll just let Jughead do the talking.

" Betty?" Jughead says softly as the blonde turn around, surprised.

" Hey Juliet" Jughead says again and gets on one knee. Betty immediately puts her hands to her mouth. Underneath I could tell she was smiling.

"Juggie?" She says gently but confused.

" Betty Cooper, will you make the happiest man alive and go to prom with me?"  Jughead asks handing her the flowers and starts to stand up.

" Juggie, YES YES YES!!!" Betty screams and jumps into his arms and kisses him with love. There so cute.

" Ronnie?" A familiar voice makes me turn around , revealing a ginger haired boy. Archie Andrews who was also holding a bouquet of flowers. 

" Arch?" I say confused as Betty squeals behind me while Jughead smirks at the scene, holding Betty round her waist. Archie gets down on one knee, like Jughead did.

" Veronica Lodge will you make me the happiest man alive and go to prom with me?" He says smiling. I gasp.

" YES YES  Archie Andrews YES"! I shout and ran into his arms and kiss him.

Betty and Jughead laugh.

"Wait, how come Jughead and Archie did the exact same thing" Betty says. I nod agreeing with her.

" Me Archie planned it together. We thought it would be funny to do it at the same time" Jughead chuckles as Betty giggles and kisses him.

" Weirdos" I say laughing and Archie pecks my forehead.

 It was perfect :)

Hey Guys!

I thought this story was cute and funny :)

Comment some story ideas with ships and I will read them and might post them and tag you! ( I'm running out of ideas!)

Keira X

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