Fixing my heart (Bughead)

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"WHY!" I scream at him. My lungs throb. Tears pouring down my eyes, staining my cheeks. My mascara that was neatly done dribs down my face leaving black smudges. I can't feel my throat.

"WHY!" I scream again.

"why" I whisper. Closing my eyes not daring to look at him.

"Do you think this is easy for me?" He yells back. My heart is slowly tearing into two.

"Oh, Betty your so pathetic. Getting worked up over a stupid thing! Yeah, I'm moving! Deal with it. And I'm telling you we're breaking up. Do you understand now!" He shouts. I freeze. 

"So this is goodbye" I whisper, voice cracking.

"Yes," He says calming down and breathing deeply. " Goodbye Betty"

"Goodbye Archie," I say and turn my back to the boy that I will never see again and the last I will ever love.

2 years later:

" And then he kissed me and asked if I wanted to go on another date," Veronica says. I just sit in silence and nod my head. "Obviously I said yes.......Betty Betty?!" She says waving her hand in front of my face. 

"Yep," I say snapping back into reality. She groans.

"You weren't listening were you?" She says and chuckles softly." B, what's wrong?" She says worriedly.

I  just put my hands in my head and don't answer. She sees the signs and sighs.

"Betty, It's been 2 years. You're still thinking about him?" She says and strokes my back gently. 

"It's still so hard V. I just keep thinking about him. I miss him so... so bad" I hold the tears back.

" I know I know. But maybe its time to move on?" She asks. I hesitate.

" I don't know. I don't even believe in love or connections anymore." I reply. The bell rings for lessons.

"Come on let's go to Class"

1 week later:

"Hey, Guys!" Cheryl, my cousin, shouts as she walks over to me and Veronica in the hallway.

"Hey Girl!" Veronica says waving. I smile at her.

" Have you heard about Southside high?" She says.

"I've heard of it but why are asking?" I reply.

"Well I heard that the students are going to start going to school here," She says. Me and Veronica exchange nervous glances.

"But don't they deal drugs and are involved in gangs" Veronica questions.

" I'm not sure but their starting today and look out for them and send me the details. See if there are any hot guys" She says winking. We all laugh at Cheryl's actions.

"Dear students of Riverdale High. Students from Southside High will start to be educated and attend here at this high school. We will expect you to be your best behavior and respect the students. That is all"

The doors fling open and a group of guys and a single girl walk through with leather jackets. My eyes lock with another pair. A gorgeous set of green eyes. The eyes belonged to the most handsome boy I've ever seen. His soft looking black hair clung to his hat.  His leather jacket clings to his body showing his muscles. His beautiful face that makes me melt. It feels like the world slowed down.

"Who is that?"

I hope you guys like it. If you want a part two comment down below :)

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