i'm here (choni)

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toni pov:

"No" I whisper.

"NO NO NO NO" I scream getting louder each time.

I watch heart broken as her body falls.

Dropping to my knees, my breathing stops. 


"Cheryl!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

My eyes fly open. Everything was pitch black.

"Toni babe, whats wrong?" A familiar voice says.

"Cheryl, thank god" I say sighing

"hey it was just a dream" She says as i snuggle into her. She kisses my forehead softly and strokes my hair.

"i'm okay tt" She whispers.

"please never leave" i say whimpering

"i would never"

thank you so much for 59k

sorry this is so short :(

k x

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