Baby? (Bughead)

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Betty's POV:

I woke up and headed straight to the bathroom. Throwing up the remains of my dinner. This is the fourth time this week. I decided to let Jughead sleep and clean myself up. Too late.

" Baby?" Jugheads husky sleepy voice come from our bedroom.

" Yes Juggie" I say. Crap. I instantly put my head over the toilet and threw up again. I hear the duvets being thrown off the bed and footsteps coming towards the bathroom.

" Betty, babe. Are you okay?" Jughead says while holding my hair back and stroking my back, gently. I just shake my head while a few tear escape my eyes.

" Come on lets get you cleaned up and back to bed" Jughead says while he kisses my shoulder lovingly and lifts me up to my feet.

A week later

I scream and then star crying happy tears. I run and grab my phone and call Veronica.

"Hey B, whats up?" She answers happily.

"V, I'm going to be a mum! I'm pregnant!" I squeal. Veronica screams down the phone half-deafening me.

" OH MY GOD B!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU" She says smiling. A huge grin spreads on my face.

" B, how are you going to tell Jughead? Does he already know?" I gulp as she asks.

" No and I don't know. Do you think he will be happy?" I say worriedly.

" Betty Cooper! That boys loves you with every bone in his body, of course he will be happy!! "He's going to be a great dad!" she says. I smile.

" Hey Juliet! I'm back from Work" Jughead yells as he shuts the front door.

" HI honey" I say and give him a loving kiss.

" How was your day?" He asks while taking his coat off.

" Great, I cleaned and sorted the house!" I say.

" Good" H says putting his arms round my waist. I giggle.

"Jughead, I have something to show you" I say.

" Okay baby" He says kissing my forehead.

I sit him down on the sofa and start playing a video I connected to the tv with the help of Veronica, who cam round earlier. It had all of mine and Jughead's memories together.

We were snuggled up together, laughing at the funny memories and smiling at the cute. Finally, the video came. It was a video of me ,that Veronica filmed today, holding a pregnancy test. I then said " Jughead, how would you feel to be a farther?"

I looked at my husband watching the tv shocked. He looked at me and a massive smile was plastered on his face. He picked me up and started swinging me around and shouting.

" I'm going to be a dad!" he screamed. I laughed and kissed him passionately and lovingly.

"I love you" Jughead Jones says to me.

" I love you too" I, Betty Cooper, reply with another kiss.

I'm sorry this is short but I have had loads of homework recently :(

Who do you guys think the black hood is? I have 3 suspicions! :)

Keira Xx

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