Baby? PART 3 (Varchie)

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Veronica's Pov:

How am I going to tell Archie?

The same thought went through my heart over and over again.

The house is quite due to Betty and her son gone. Archie will be back soon. Suddenly I have an idea.

Half an hour later

Archie's Pov:

"Hey Ronni! I'm home!" I shout as I open the front door an dump my bag on the sofa, trying to find my wife. Gosh I've missed her.

"Ronni?" I call again. Suddenly a certain raven-haired princess walks out through the kitchen door. I instantly wrap my arms around her waist. She puts her arms around my neck and kisses me passionately. I feel her smile into the kiss which makes me too.

" Hey honey" I say at my gorgeous wife.

" Hey handsome" She says with love in her eyes. I wish we could stay in this moment forever. It was perfect. A timer goes off in the distance.

"Whats that?" I say raising an eyebrow and Veronica.

"Oh I put something in the oven. Could you get it for me?" She asks sweetly. I nod and chuckle.

I open the oven door to see a bread looking thing.

" Veronica, there's just a bun in the oven?" I say confusedly. I look over at her. There is my wife smirking while holding a pregnancy test in her hands. I then realised what I just said. I'm going to be a dad. 

I sprint over to the love of my life and pick her up and twirl her around smiling. She giggles and kisses me.

I'm going to be a dad keeps replaying in my head and I can't stop smiling.


Sorry this took forever to write and its short because I have just got back from a holiday in France. Please comment some ideas for the next oneshots! :)

Plus I think the song at the top is my new favourite song! it's from the kissing booth! Have you guys watched the kissing booth? It's amazing :)

K x

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