The Truth (Choni)

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Cheryl's POV:

Ever since Toni topaz joined Riverdale, I have felt so attracted to her. I've always been interested in boys but maybe I've been crushing on the wrong gender. Whenever I have a boyfriend it never lasts because it just doesn't feel right. My mother already hates me but if I tell her I'm gay she will definitely send me away.  I feel so alone.

I walk through the doors of Riverdale seeing a lot of people coupled up. And then I see her. My stomach turns and butterflies swim around. Toni's beautiful pink hair bounces up and down as she walks towards me. Her gorgeous smile makes me blush. Oh god. I have a big crush on her.  But Toni will never like me back.

Toni's POV:

I see Cheryl Blossom's beautiful figure stand in the middle of the hallway and her long luscious ginger hair passes her shoulders. I blush and then smile so she doesn't notice.

" Hey, Cheryl," I say smiling and looking at her beautiful eyes. God, I've really fallen hard for this girl.

"Hey," She says as a small smile spreads on her face. The bell starts to ring and we walk to class. Science. This is my only chance to ask her. Come on Toni. I cough and start to speak.

" Cheryl, I wondering. Do you want to go to Pop's after school to get a milkshake?" I ask, holding my breath as she opens her mouth to answer.

" Yes, I'd love to," She says as I notice red appears on her cheek. Is she blushing? Nah.

" Great. See you then" I say walking to my class smiling. I did it.

Cheryl's POV:

All day I've been repeating what Toni had said to me this morning. I've been too busy thinking about her that I got told off by my teachers.I always say the same excuse as the class turns to look at me. That I'm tired. Not that I'm dreaming about my crush.

Finally, the last bell rings and I race to Pops. The bell makes a sweet noise as I enter and I see Toni's head pop up from the booth. I walk over to her and smile. A waiter comes over and we order our meals.  We talk about school and life at home when suddenly, Toni becomes all serious.

" Cheryl, I need to tell you something important," She says nervously. " Ever since the day I met you, I've always felt attracted to you, your beautiful smile, your brave attitude. It's ok if you don't feel the same way but. Cheryl Blossom I...I like you. It might even be love." 

A tear falls down my cheek and I smile at her.

" Toni Topaz I too, have been crazy about you since the day we locked eyes. I like you too. It might even be love" I say and then we both smile. Toni leans over the table and our lips touch. Her lips are so soft. It feels like we are the only two on earth. As we part, we smile and talk about random stuff. We laugh and smile the whole time. But all, I think about is that I finally told her the truth. The booth we sat in was full of love that day.

What Ship shall I do next? Also please comment some ideas, I'd love to read them! :)

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