You're my girl (Choni)

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Cheryl's Pov:

Heather's back.

These words floated around my head as I stare at a girl that walked through the school doors.Her waist-length blonde hair swishes around as she walks down the corridor. She suddenly sees me. Squints her eyes, then widens them and run towards me. I drop Toni's hand. My childhood best friend ran into my arms and tears of joy sprung to my eyes.

" Heather! Omg! What are you doing here?" I say facing the girl. She smiles wide.

" My parents moved back a week ago!" She says. Toni then coughs loudly. Oh

" Oh Heather this is my girlfriend Toni" I says holding Toni's hand. Toni smiles. Heather's smile suddenly drops and then quickly comes back.

"Nice to meet you Toni! Isn't Cheryl great!" Heather says and touches my shoulder. Toni flinches and tightens her grip around my hand.

" Yeah she sure is" Toni says with a bit of bitterness in her voice. Her teeth are slightly clenched together. Whats up with her?

The bell rings.

" Well I'll see you later guys. Bye Cheryl have a great day!" Heather waves back. The clip clop noise of her high heels echo the hall.

Part 2? :)

( This was kind of a preview)

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