my girl (varchie)

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Veronicas pov:

"and then he broke up with her" I say to a shocked Betty and Kevin.

"what I can't believe someone would do that" Betty says gasping

"urg gosh that show really makes me mad" Kevin says causing us to laugh.

"anyway what do you guys have today?" I ask. Kevin nudges me.

"Veronica, i think the new kid is checking you out" Kevin whispers.

I turn around to see the new kid, Tom, with the football team. The other boys are all laughing while Tom is looking at me. He sees me looking and winks. I turn back around.

"um" I say to Betty and Kevin who are trying not to laugh.

"omg he's coming over" Betty says. They both turn their backs to me. Rolling my eyes, i turn to face this boy.

"Hey sweetheart" He says. Tom puts his hand on the locker, forcing me to become squished in between him and the locker.

"um hi?" I say awkwardly.

Tom then turns to look to the football team and nods. The team start laughing. I realise i need to get away from him.

"um sorry Tom, my friends are waiting" I say trying to escape his grip.

"I don't think they mind. Your in safe hands" He says whisper with a horrible smirk plastered on his face.

"No Tom seriously they need me" I say struggling again. He grabs my hand and pushes it on the locker.

"I said your in safe hands" He says in almost gritted teeth.

"Get you hands of my girl" A familiar voice shouts angrily. 

Tom rolls his eyes and lets go of me. He turns to face the voice.

"hey dude, can you mind your own business" He says.

Suddenly tom is thrown into the lockers. A punch is thrown at his face. Blood drips down on the cold floor. He is then pushed up against the lockers with such force a load bang echoes the room.

"if i see you touch her again.."

"alright alright i get it. I'm sorry man" Tom says, frightened expression on his face.

The boys pushes him away. He then faces me and his tone changes.Worried.

" Are you ok ronnie?" My boyfriends Archie Andrews asks.


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