Forced Marriage PART 3 (Bughead)

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Well this is awkward. How can i talk to this cut guy. wait. Not cute. HOT. So freakin HOT. I just can't. And I'm marrying him. Urg. I just let mum talk.

" So Jughead this is my lovely daughter Betty Cooper" My mum says. Great. He smiles.

"Nice to meet you" I manage to whisper. He shakes my hand. His hands are so smooth and I feel a buzz of connection.

"Likewise" he says winking. And at that moment I think I just died.

The rest of the afternoon was just our parent talking about us while we sat in silence nodding along. Sometimes me and Jughead would share glances but then quickly look away blushing.

Another hour later our parent decided to call it a day and leave the cafe. 

"It was lovely to meet you Mr Jones. Hopefully we can arrange another time?" My mum says shaking Fp's hand. He nods and they exchange contacts. I look at Jughead who was looking at me. He smirks.

"Looking forward to meeting you again"Jughead says whispering while winking. Only I can hear due to my mum talking away to his farther like they have been friends all their life. 

" Umm...y...yeah" I nod blushing and tun away. I'm such a fool.

" Goodbye" Me and mother say walking out of the shop. 

I turn around one last time to see my future husband. He smiles. I smile back. 

Actually this marriage might not be that bad

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