Jealous? PART 2 (Choni)

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Toni's POV:

I'm a monster.

How could I do this to Cheryl.

I watch the girl of my dreams run off into the distance. I will never be able to forgive myself. I hear the bell go of for first period and students rushing of to lessons. Suddenly a familiar face walks over to me.

" Toni,  Are you ok? We need to get to class" Jughead Jones says waving his hand in front of my face.

" Umm Yeah....let's go then" I say gulping. He smiles and heads of to class with Betty, intertwining their hands together and kissing her forehead lovingly.  I walk behind the lovers. 

Last Period. Science. With Cheryl. Oh how I've missed that girl. My brain keeps taking me back to the happy time throughout my lessons, causing me to get a detention tomorrow lunch. Shit.

I sit in my seat and a beautiful girl with luscious ginger hair walks past me and I feel a stab of guilt. It's all my fault. 

As the teacher gets everyone settled and starts the lesson, I stare at the beauty in front of me. Cheryl Blossom.

Cheryl's POV:

I feel like Toni is burning a whole in my back. She keeps staring at me with her gorgeous brown eyes. NO Cheryl stop it. She hates you remember! It's time to move on. I just need to focus on my work.

" So Cheryl, Do you know the answer to my question?" My teacher asks. I freeze and panic. I haven't been listening because I've been thinking of Toni. Oh crap.

"" I stammer.

" Perhaps Toni could help?" She asks as I turn to face the beauty behind me. We lock eyes for a moment but then I turn back round to face the teacher.

"i'm sorry but I can't help you. I'm an idiot when it comes to Science" She says. I roll my eyes.

" And being a good girlfriend" I mumble. Unfortunately she heard.

" What did you just say Blossom? Do you have something to say?" Toni stands up from her seat. I turn around.

" Yes I do Topaz" I say mocking her. 

" Your a bitch" She says. I look back stunned at her harsh words.

" Excuse me? I dare you to say that one more time" I growl.

" Hey Hey Hey! Both of you detention after school. You do not interrupt my lesson, argue  and swear!" The teacher shouts. Fortunately this was the last period so we had to wait after class. Great. The bell rang.

" Class dismissed"


" Right, I am going to leave the classroom because I have a meeting. Can I trust you two to be alone together without fighting?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

" Yes miss" We both reply quietly. She then turned on her heels and walked out the door.

For the past 10 minutes me and Toni were in complete silence, doing homework or just simply ignore each other.

" You know I never meant to hurt you" Toni whispers as I turn to look into her gorgeous brown eyes.

" Really?" I say sarcastically.

" Cheryl, I didn't mean to cancel our dates or shopping trips because I liked that girl. I cancelled our plans because I had to study with her. I am telling the truth. My science teacher is trying to improve my grades for tests and that girl was tutoring me. I still love you. I will always will." Toni says as a single tear rolled down my cheeks. Gosh I'm so judgemental and quick to blame.

" I am so sorry Toni. I was just jealous I would lose you" I say as she smile. She takes hold of my hand.

" You will never lose me. You belong in my heart, not anyone else" She says and we kiss. Fireworks explode in my head and I smile for the first time in ages.

" I love you"

" I love you too" 

We kiss again.

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