My fault? Part 1 (Choni)

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This chapter is based after the new episode. If you haven't watched it yet, don't read this because there is spoilers! Plus this is not whats going to happen next episode I just made it up :)

Toni's POV:

" It's all my fault! If only I wasn't caught, Jughead wouldn't be in hospital in a coma!" I say sobbing into Cheryl's red cloak as we sit in the waiting room in the hospital with Betty and Fp. It's all my fault. I'm sorry Jughead.

" Hey, Hey Baby. It's not your fault. It's a terrible tragedy what happened Jughead. It's not your fault. It's Penny and the ghoulies fault. They are horrible human beings" Cheryl says stroking my hair and kissing my forehead.

I look over at Jughead's girlfriend, Betty, who he loves the most. She is paralysed in her seat, eyes red from crying. She's staring at the floor in silence, still shocked,scared and upset. More guilt flows through me as I look at her bloodshot eyes.

We've been waiting for at least an hour, in painful silence.

"It's my fault" Fp whispers shaking. We all look at him.

" I should of never let the serpents vote. Jughead tried to convince me to not fight but, being the foolish man i am, i pushed him aside not thinking of the consequences. He went to take his own life to save the serpents" Fp says as a single tear slides down his cheek. Betty then silently start crying.

" Excuse me, are you guys waiting for Jughead Jones?" A nurse says as she walks out of the room.

" Yes" Cheryl answers.

" I have good news! He is awake and wants to see a young lady called Elizabeth Cooper" She say looking at her clipboard. Betty stands up and gives us all a small smile and walks into Jughead room. I sigh massive sigh. He's alive. 15 minutes later, Fp walks into his sons room where Betty and Jughead were still there. 

Cheryl rubs my arm gently as i put my head on her shoulder.

" Thank god he's alive" I whisper.

" He is a fighter" Cheryl agrees. I sit up to face her.

" Cheryl thank you again for saving me. Your my hero" I say as I close the gap between us and kiss her soft lips.

" No problem queen of the buskers" She giggles and kisses me again smiling.

" I love you" I say looking into her beautiful eyes. She smile her gorgeous smile.

" I love you too" She says as we settle down on the bench and cuddle.

I'm going to make a part 2 to this but it's going be a bughead chapter! It's about what Betty and Jughead are talking about in his hospital room while Fp,Toni and Cheryl are outside :)

Thank you for 2.2k!! Comment some story ideas below :)

Keira Xx

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