lets chat

318 8 3

Long time no see!

Okay so basically i was bored and read the first few chapters of this book and my writing was so different. Can we just talk about how bad it was HAHAHAH. I can't believe i wrote that, i was cringing the entire time lmao. My writing has changed so much.

Anyway how are you? how is lockdown? are the lockdowns rules been lifted where you're from? I'm really interested!

I'm from the Uk so I'm still in lockdown kinda but it's not as strict lol. Only 6 people can meet up socially distanced. Shops like Urban outfitters opened at the start of June so I went shopping for the first time in months. I don't think I will be going back to school until september.

Black lives matter!!! Please please sign petitions and do whatever you can to help!  Change needs to happen.

Hope you are all staying safe!

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