I remember (bughead)

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Jugheads pov:

My eyes flutter open as the sun shines threw the curtains, brightening the master bedroom. Smiling, i turn over to look at my beautiful wife. Betty Cooper.

Today is the day. Our 10 year anniversary.  10 happy years with the love of my life.

I kiss her forehead lightly and get up out of bed. Closing the door slowly behind me , i tiptoe through the hall trying not to wake the kids. Emma and Ben. 

Grabbing a frying pan and recipe book, i begin my work. About 15 minutes later, I put the breakfast on a tray with a cup of tea, flowers and a card.

I slowly open the door, once again, and put the tray on the bed. 

"Juggie?" A croaky voice says. I turn to see my wife half asleep looking at me.

"Hey baby" I say smiling and giving her a morning kiss. She smiles and gasps as she look at the tray and then at me.

"Did you..." She says raising her eyebrow slightly while pointing towards the food. I nod and smirk, "oh Juggie! I love you so much!" She says and gives me a hug.  

"I love you too betts," I say laughing as my wife grabs the food and starts to eat.,"Now enjoy, I'm going to make me and the kids pancakes" I say backing out the room.

"This is delicious!" I hear betty shout as i walk out the room which causes me to chuckle.

~Later that evening~

Sitting round the fire was me and my beautiful family. We were watching a movie, the kids favourite. 

"Daddy?" Emma ask sitting up. I turn to her.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I answer.

"When did you and mummy have your first kiss?" She say. Betty suddenly blushes uncontrollably while I smirk at her reaction.

"Well lets see"I start,"mummy was very upset one day, so i, climbed a ladder up to her window."

"still don't don't get why you did that" betty says mumbling.

" and then I made her happy again and then I kissed her" I say smiling. Ben cringed.

"eww dad, i'm eating my popcorn!" Ben says. Me and Betty laughed.

"Well Ben, if that never happened you wouldn't be here right now!" I say chuckling as he rolls his eyes.

"That's so cute daddy!Your were mummys prince" Our 5 year old daughter giggles. Betty giggles as i smile at her.

I was always remember that perfect moment.

Hey guys!

I hoped you all had a lovely christmas!

Hopefully I update again before school starts again💗

Ty for 42k reads :)

k x

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