Wedding ( Bughead+Varchie)

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The gang was at a park in the evening, enjoying the sunset while having a pinic. Archie and Jughead were having their own conversation and Betty and Veronica were having their own too.

Jugheads POV:

" So Archie when is the wedding," I say giving my best friend a smirk. He punches my arm.

"SHHH, I haven't asked yet " He whispers chuckling slightly. He then goes serious.

"Jughead, If she does say yes.." The redhead starts to say.

" Which she will," I said interrupting him. He smiles

" If she does say yes. Would you be my best man?" He asks hopefully. 

" Archie of course!" I say smiling and give him a bro-hug. "I'm honored" 

Betty and Veronica suddenly burst out laughing and we turn around and give them a weird look. They start laughing again.

" So shall we start eating or what," I say as me and Archie go and sit next to the girls. Betty giggles and I give her kiss on the cheek. I whisper in her ear.

" Prepare to see the cutest thing ever" I whisper. She looks at me confusedly. I give Archie a nod and he gulps nervously.

Archie's POV:

"Um. Guys before we eat I need to say something" I say gulping. Here goes. 

" What Archie?" The most beautiful raven haired girl asks.

" Veronica Cecilia Lodge, Ever since the day you stepped into Pop's I have been madly in love with you. Your gorgeous smile, the way you care about people. Our first kiss is a memory of when I knew you were the one for me. I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you  marry me?" I ask the now crying girl.

"Oh Archie, yes yes!!" Veronica yells and jumps into my arms. We kiss each other passionately. Veronica turns and hugs Betty. They then pull away.

"I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!!" She screams excitedly as She and Betty jump up and down excitedly together. Me and Jughead laugh at the girl's actions. I nudge Jughead playfully and smirk at him.

" Your turn now mate" I say as he just laughs again.

Betty wipes the tears from her eyes and smiles.

"God Archie that speech was beautiful, It really hit me at how cute you two are together. Treat her well!" We laugh at my blonde best friend.

~Flashback ended~

Betty's POV:

Today was Veronica and Archie's wedding. My best friends are finally getting married. I'm so happy for them. I smile. I look over at the other side of my bed and see my gorgeous boyfriend sleeping soundly. He's so adorable.

" Juggie, time to wake up. It's Archie and Veronica's wedding day" I whisper stroking his hair. he groans.

" Juggie" I say again. Suddenly Jughead turns to face me and puts his arms around my waist. He kisses my forehead.

" Morning Juliet" He says smiling. I giggle and give him a kiss.

" Come on, we need to get ready.

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