Together (Choni)

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Cheryl POV:

I enter Riverdale high and confused and worried eyes are on me. Everyone's been wondering the same thing. Why has Cheryl Blossom not been at school for 4 days. Well I can't exactly say that I got sent off to the sister's of quiet mercy because my mother think I'm crazy. Can I? I also can't say that I'm bi-sexual and I have a girlfriend. And that she is a south side serpent. Right?

I roll my eyes like my old self and walk to the student lounge where I see Toni and the other serpents. I make eye contact with the beautiful woman in front of me and she then tell the serpents to go away. I sit next to her, than check if any ones watching.Once the coast was clear I give her a quick sweet kiss. SHe kisses back and smiles.

" Hey Cherry" She says smirking.

"Oh god Toni, your really going there are you" I say rolling my eyes but giving her a small smile.

" Nice to see you too" She says and entwines her fingers with mine. We lean in.

" Hey guys!" Veronica says as she, Archie,Betty and Jughead walk into the student lounge. Me and Toni sit back straight and put our hands on our lap, blushing. They sit down on the sofa's. Jughead and Betty cuddled whilst Archie had his arm around Veronica. Cute.

" So how was everyone's weekend?" Betty ask smiling. Me. Toni and Veronica exchange looks.

~Flashback~                                                                                                                ( 3rd Person)

" Which one is she in?" Toni whisper-shouts as she and Veronica lodge run through the hallways of the sisters of quiet of mercy with their torches showing the way.

" I don't know Toni. I'll check this hallway while you check that one!" She replies pointing to a dark hallway with a flicker of light at the end. Toni nods and the the pair go their separate ways, hoping to find a certain red-head.

Toni's POV:

I slowly creep through the hallway making my way to the light at the end. What could possibly be happening in there?

As I get closer I hear music and people talking. I look through the door. There's a movie playing in there. I see people sitting down on benches. What if she is in here? I ask myself.

With no time to lose, I burst open the door and shout Cheryl's name. No reply. I shout again, louder this time and run to the front of the room. The blinding light from the projector make it hard to look at the shocked people.

"Toni?" A familiar female voice says. It's her.

Cheryl run to the front of the room. She smiles a small smile at me. I close the gap between us.

I put my lips onto hers. Her soft lips rush against mine. A passionate but loving kiss.

Veronica runs into the room.

" Toni you found her! Quick their coming, we've got to go" She says breathless from running. I grab Cheryl's hand and run.

~End of Flashback~

Cheryl's POV:

" Hello earth to Cheryl!!" Archie shouts while waving his hand in front of my face.

"What?!" I shout back annoyed.

" Betty asked how was your weekend?" He says drily.

I smile, remembering the events that had happened over the weekend.

" It was great" I say and Toni kisses me. Everyone but Veronica gasps. They then all smile warmly at us. Me and Toni hold hands and smile. 

Authors Note:

Thank you so much for 500 reads!!!

Please comment some story ideas! :)


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