I'm yours (Mevin)

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This is my first time writing  a Kevin one-shot so hopefully its good ❤

Kevin's POV:

I don't understand.

Why won't he tell the world I'm his? Is he ashamed of me? Am I a rebound?

Thoughts come and go as I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. A single tear drips down my face. 

A knock comes from my door and I quickly rub my eyes.

"Hey, son. Your still up?" MY Dad says giving me a small smile. I nod slowly. He raises his eyebrows.

"What's wrong Kev?" He says and sits at the end of my bed. I sigh.

"I..I'm just confused" I whisper.

"What about?" He replies.

"Say you where in a secret relationship with someone and they don't want to tell anyone and keep it a secret for as long as possible, what would you do?" I ask making eye contact with my dad who takes a deep breath.

"Well son, I would talk to them about how I feel firstly. But if it was up to me and all they wanted to do was stay a secret, I would break up with them. You can't stay with someone who is mentally or physically dragging you down" He says.

I sit in silence for a while, sinking in his words.

"Okay," I say breaking the silence" Thanks dad," 

"Anytime. Goodnight" He says, getting up and leaving my room.

I turn my lamp off and pull my duvet on top of me. Closing my eyes I think

I need to speak to moose

This is a preview of a one-shot idea I have! I will continue this if people like it :)


i love u all  xoxo

K  X

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