Sick (Varchie)

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Veronica's POV:

It all started at work. I came back from my photo shoot with a horrible stomach ache. I kept rushing to the toilet thinking i was going to throw up. But no. I didn't. I hate being sick. My manager said I can go home early because she noticed that i wasn't my normal happy self.

" Can we take five a second! Veronica, please come over here!" Claire,my boss, shouts as the photographer stops taking photos. I gulp.

" Yes Claire" I say quietly. She just looks at me worriedly.

"I think you should go home, you look really pale and your not yourself today" She says giving me a small smile. I sigh in relief.

"Oh thank you" I say as I grab my stuff and head towards the exit.

I open the door to mine and Archie's mansion and make my self a hot chocolate. I make my way to the bedroom and change into my pyjamas and start watching Netflix. Soon it turn 11pm and i drift into a peaceful sleep.

I jolt up, suddenly awake and clutching my stomach which was aching horribly. One hand over my mouth and the other on my stomach I ran into the bedroom's en-suite and throw up in the toilet. Tears stream down my eyes due to the pain and sickness.

" A..Archie" I whimper quietly. No reply. I throw up again hopefully for the last time.

" Archie" I say louder. Suddenly the duvets are off the bed and the redhead boy rushes towards at the sound of his name.

" Baby" he says quietly and wide eyes. He gently pulls my hair back a as I, once again, throw up in the toilet.

" Your going to be okay, your going to be okay" My boyfriend says as he rubs my back.

"I love you" I manage to say as Archie wipes my tears with his finger. He smiles softly.

" I love you too Veronica" He says kissing my forehead as I wrap my arms around him. I was going to be okay.

This is a short one because I've started school again :(

I'm blown away because this book has 650 reads!! Thank you so much :)

Keira Xx

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