Last weekend (Varchie)

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"I'll take it," Archie says standing up. HIs mother stands gobsmacked next to him.


"Very well" Mr Andrews will be taken immediately," The judge says and security makes their way over to him.

Tears stream down my cheeks as my breathing quickens. My heart slowly breaks. My heart races as Archie walks past me. He gives me a small smile but with sad eyes. 

"NO Archie I'll get you out of there!" I scream as I run after him. The room starts to spin. Suddenly a pair of soft safe arms embraces me into a hug. Betty.

"It's going to be ok V, everything going to be okay" She whispers and strokes my head. Jughead stands behind her sadly, looking at the ground.

"I'm so sorry Veronica" He manages to say, heartbroken as his best friend is dragged away. I close my eyes and squeeze betty.

So it truly was our last weekend


" I just want to spend one good with weekend with you guys," Archie says to us all. I smile and nod.

As we made our way to the secret pool I turn to Archie, who was driving. His soft ginger hair swishing in the wind. His calm face, beautiful eyes. I can't' lose this boy, not by a mile.

Opening the car door, I squeal and race Archie to the pool. He smirks as we take our clothes off revealing our swimming costumes. I stick my tongue out and jump into the pool before him The last thing I heard before I hit the water. "Hey, you cheated!" Archie shouts chuckling. 

I rise to the surface, bursting for air. My eyes search for my boyfriends but I couldn't see him. Suddenly a huge splash comes from behind me and  I'm suddenly lifted into the air. I scream laughing.

"Archie, that tickles!" I say between giggles. He winks and brings me down close to him. Our foreheads touch. Suddenly I get sad, thinking this could be our last weekend. He does too. I could see it in his eyes. 

"I love you Veronica" He whispers gently pulling a strand of hair behind my ear. He whispers so only I can hear.

" I love you too Archie" I whisper back and kiss him with everything I have.

We kiss with so much passion, love and emotion. We knew this could be our last kiss. That's why it felt so special.

"Hey, you two lovebirds!" Jughead shouts smirking with Betty in his arms too.

"Hey bro your just as bad with bets!" Archie yells back while Jughead laughs and Betty blushes causing us all to laugh.

"Tag your it!" I yell at Archie. I swim as fast I can away from him. He looks stunned then an evil grin spreads on his face.

"Oh, you're asking for it Lodge," He says smirking and swims after me.

~End of Flashback~

I cry into Betty's shoulder for what feels about eternity.

I love you Archie Andrews.

Forever and ever.

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