Baby? PART 2 (Varchie)

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( Just to say I'm from England so Superdrug and Boots are British shops. There basically health, beauty,medication and stuff like that )

Veronica's POV:

Me and Betty arrive a the mall with her son.

"Okay so where is the nearest Superdrug or boots?" Betty say looking around the busy shopping centre. She holds her sons hand tighter and brings him closer due to the amount of people.

" Sorry B, I cant see over this amount of people" I say looking over heads.

"Why is Tuesday so busy?" Betty mumbles.

" Betty, I see it!" I shout, spotting Boot's sign above a shop. I start jogging towards it.

" Hey Hey Hey! V the could be a baby in there" Pointing at my stomach.

"Oops sorry B" I say giggling.

We finally reach Boots and look for pregnancy tests. Yep I said it. Pregnancy tests :)

"Found them!" Betty says pointing to a aisle. We walk over and start looking for the perfect one. Suddenly my phone rings. The caller id had a specific red headed boy on it. Archie.

"Hey Arch" I say smiling.

" Hey Ronnie. I called cause I felt bad for leaving you on your own while your ill. Are you ok? I can come home now if you need me to?" My boyfriend says worriedly. Gosh I love this boy.

" Oh I'm fine honey. Betty has come round and brought Adam so were just having a coffee and talking" I say, slightly lying.

"Oh okay Baby. Let me know if you change your mind. Love you" Archie says.

"Love you too" I say and hang up.

"That was close" Betty says giggling.

" V, what about this one?" Betty says picking up a baby pick pregnancy test. I read the back and it seems safe and trustworthy.

" That's perfect!" I say.

"Lets pay" Betty smiles.

At home

"So you know what to do right?" Betty says handing me the test.I nod and gulp.

" Betty, I'm so nervous" 

"V, you have every right to be but think about. You might have a child with Archie!" Betty says smiling. I nod and gulp again.I take a deep breath and open the door.

I look at the little device.The picture loads. I hold my breath.

 A plus sign appears.

I'm pregnant

Shall I do a part 3 where Veronica tells Archie?

Comment Ideas on how Veronica should tell him.

Plus isn't the picture at the top cute! :)

K x

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