Cramps (Bughead)

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Betty's POV:

I woke up to a horrible pain coming  from my stomach. No no no no no this can't happen right now I thought. I jump off my bed and throw my covers off my bed, revealing blood stains on the sheet. I groan. Its that time of the month again.

Mum insists on me staying home so I do. I lay on the couch all day watching movies, with a hot water bottle on my stomach. Hot chocolate with cream and little pink marshmallows were on the the table beside me with tomato soup. Heaven.

At around 1pm I get a phone call from Veronica. I answer my phone with a smile. 

" Hey V" I say. Not expecting what is going to happen next.

" Betty Cooper! Do you realise how sick and worried you have made me! You haven't answered my text or calls!! Poor Jughead he is twice as worried as me! He's freaking out!" Veronica screams through the phone. Guilt overwhelms me. I remember. I had a nap before lunch.

" Oh Veronica,I'm so sorry! I had my period this morning and I don't feel great so I'm staying at home" I say.

" Oh Betty. it's fine love, sorry for shouting. I know how you feel!" She says as we both laugh.

" Is Jughead ok?" I ask worriedly.

" Omg Betty he is freaking out. I think it'll be better if you tell him why your not at school because it will be awkward if I do!" She says giving a slight giggle. I laugh.

" Ok well I'll see you later" Veronica says.

" Bye V" I reply.

" Bye  B" she says ending the call.

Now to call my beloved Jughead.

" Jughead?" I say as the he picks up his phone.

" Betty oh my god Betty! Are you okay, I've been worried sick! It's so nice to hear your voice !" He says running out of breath.

" Juggie, I'm fine it's just it's that time of the month and I've got cramps so I'm staying home" I say.

" Um Betts, I don't understand you" He says. I roll my eyes.

" Jughead, I'm on my period" I say cringing a little.

" Oh. Wait I'm coming round after school"  He says hanging up.

After School.

The doorbell rings and I slowly get up and open the front door to reavel my boyfriend.

" Juggie" I say as he kisses me.

" Hey Juliet" He says smiling. I smile back and take his hand and sit on the couch. I notice he is holding a shopping bag.

" What's in the bag?" I say raising an eyebrow. He chuckles.

" I might of stopped off at a shop and bought medicine, tampons,pads and your favourite chocolate bar" He says.

I throw my arms around him and hug him. I give him a peck on the cheeks too.

" Oh Juggie, what would I do with out you" I say as he laughs.

" I love you Betty" He says leaning in so our foreheads touch.

" I love you too Juggie" I say.

We kiss.

Thank you so much for 800 reads! Comment some story ideas because i would love to read them! :)

Keira Xx

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