Fixing my heart (Bughead) PART 2

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Betty's POV:

Oh, sweet Jesus.

"Who is he?" I say whispering. 

The mysterious boy locked eyes with me and smiles. I blush and turn around.

"Um, earth to Elizabeth Cooper?!" Veronica shouts waving her hand in front of my face. 

"Yes?" I said snapping back to reality. Veronica smirks.

"He's cute isn't he?" she says pointing to THE boy. I gulp and nod."Let's go talk to him!" She suddenly outbursts smirking. She grabs my hand and drags me over.

"Wait Veronica stop!!" I shout. She then drops my hand and pushes me into someone. 

"Omg i'm so so sorry.." I slowly look up. My body freezes. My eyes meet with the same gorgeous green eyes. The guy smiles that makes me melt.

"Hey dont worry about it, are you ok though?" He asks worriedly.

"I..I'm fi...fine. I'm" I manage to say.

"I'm Jughead, you?" Jughead. What a strange but beautiful name.

"She's Betty Cooper and I'm her best friend Veronica Lodge. Btw she's single" Veronica says winking. I roll my eyes and blush.

"Really? A beautiful girl like you single? Do you play hard to get?" He says winking at me. I look at the floor. I bet my face is like a tomato.

"YO! Jones!Over here!" Another serpent yells.

"I'm sorry ladies but duty calls" He says smiling towards me." See you around Betty" He says waving.

"OMG" Veronica says screaming happily. We both walk off giggling.

So maybe I do believe in love at first sight ;)

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