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It's been awhile.

You know when you have an inspiration to do something but then it goes away as soon as you start? If so, that is what I've been feeling for a few weeks.

I am so thankful for you guys, you have all been patient with me throughout this book.
But I'm starting to lose interest. Don't get me wrong I LOVE Riverdale. It's just that I get bored writing about it. I'm not saying I'm going to end this book. I'm saying I'm going to take a break. There maybe a few chapters in the future randomly, but don't get your hopes up on me.

I'm going to try and carry on writing my other book. I like that book and I like writing emotional stories lmao.

Recently, I have watched the Marvel Avengers movies and I LOVE THEM.
They are so amazing and full of action (which is the best kind of movie)

And omg I've developed a new crush.
Any marvel fans, hopefully you can agree with me.


I love him sm <3

well I now want to write about him.
I want to write a oneshots book about how freakin adorable Steve is.

I'm gonna stop fangirling now.

So I might write a story about him idk yet :)

I hope you guys all okay with this. I will forever be grateful for all of you.You have taken your time to read my book where I write whatever crazy idea pops in my head ahaha.

But seriously, I love you all!
Thank you for everything❤

See you soon,

K x

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