my girl (Choni)

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Toni's POV:

"Hey babe" I say as I wrap my arms around my girlfriend's waist. She giggles and turns around.

"Hey TT," She says tucking a strand oh hair behind my ear gently. I roll my eyes at that nickname which makes her giggle more ," whats up?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie tonight?" I say. Her eyes light up.

"Of course! I'd love to!" She says.

The bell for first period goes.

We share a quick kiss before running of to lessons.

As I walk out of school, I see Cheryl waiting at the gates. Waving, I make my way over.

"Hey" She says smiling,"shall we go?" 

I nod and put my hand in hers.

Standing at the booth, me and Cheryl pay for sweets, drinks and the tickets.

"Hey the movie starts in 10 minutes, do you mind if i run to the toilet quickly?" I say.

"Of course, i'll stay here" She says before pulling her phone out.

After washing my hands and fixing my hair, I head out the toilets revealing Cheryl with two guys standing dangerously close. I walk over slowly without them knowing and eavesdrop the conversation. Cheryl stands uncomfortably as two men tormenting her.

"Hey baby girl" One starts smirking.

"Why are you here all alone" The other says, "where's the lucky man baby?" They both disgustingly lick their lips. They look like dogs drooling over a treat.

"Um actually I'm the lucky girl babes" I say mocking them walking over,"now if you excuse me I am going to take my girl to see a movie. Bye boys" 

Putting my arm over Cheryl, we walk into the cinema. Before we enter the doors, I look over my shoulder and wink at the gobsmacked boys.

Omg I hope you like this! I haven't wrote a Choni oneshot in sooo long :(

I managed to scribble all my homework down to write this for you guys lol

If I don't update before, I hope you all have a Great Christmas❤

K x

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