My fault? Part 2 (Bughead)

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This part 2 of My fault! This chapter is what happened when Betty went to see Jughead in the hospital after the last episode of Riverdale! Don't read if you haven't watched it yet!!

Betty's POV:

A nurse walked out of Jughead's hospital room.

" Excuse me, are you all here to see Jughead Jones?" She asks checking her clipboard.

" Yes" Cheryl replies while she comforts her girlfriend, Toni.

" Good News! He's awake and recovering great! He's asked to see a young lady called Elizabeth Cooper?" She says smiling.

" Umm thats me" I say, standing up.

" He's still very weak but he will able to talk" She says. She then walks away. I give Cheryl,Fp and Toni a small smile before walking into my boyfriends room. I take a deep breath and open the door slowly revealing  the boy I love with all my heart, lying on a hospital bed covered with bruises and scars. He had a black eye and a busted lip. I gasp. 

" Betty?" He says, his voice croaky. I ran over to him and burst out into tears. 

" Oh Juggie, I love you so much. It's all my fault that your hurt and and..." I ramble as transparent tears keep flowing and flowing out of my eyes. Jughead just chuckles and puts a finger to my lips and hi other hand caresses cheek softly. I look into his beautiful brown eyes.

" Hey, it's not your fault Juliet. It's mine. I love you so much too" He says. I give him a smile.

" Your dad says that you agreed to give your own life to protect the serpents. Is that true?" I ask softly. He look down sad. He sighed before answering.

" Yes. I didn't want to risk the serpents life because of the ghoulies" He whispers.

"Oh Juggie" I whisper and turn his head gently to face mine. " Your a hero" I whisper and give him a kiss. It was a kiss full of love. I smile into the kiss.

" Juggie, I need to tell you something important" I says sadly.

"What is it Betts" He says taking hold of my hand. How am I going to tell him without getting emotional?

" My...My" I stutter.

" Hey, whatever it is. You can tell me" He says, softly kissing my hand.

" My dads the ...the black hood" I say gulping. His eyes widen in shock.

" And he's been calling me ever since he killed Miss Grundy. I stupidly never told you because I was scared" I say as a another tear escapes my eye.

" Betty.." He starts. I stop him.

"I know your going to hate me now and.." He interrupts me by kissing him.

" Betty, I will never hate you. You're so kind, beautiful,gorgeous,smart,funny and I love everything about you" he says.

" I love you so much Jug" I say snuggling into his chest. H e stroke my hair. and kisses my forehead.

" I love you too Juliet" He says. He was okay. And thats what mattered.

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