Varchie Part 2

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Archie sat on his bed, hands in his hair thinking about the girl he loved and how he broke her heart. It was a mistake. A stupid mistake. A stupid mistake that should've of never happened. The redhead picked up his phone and texted they two people who he needed to talk to badly.

Archie's POV:

" Hey guys" I say shyly and I sit in a booth at Pop's with Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones.

" Hey Arch" Betty says giving a small smile. 

" Hey mate" Jughead says smiling. Jughead had his arm round Betty while she kissed his cheek lovingly.

I sit on the either side of the booth from where Betty and Jughead were. It was weird that no-one was sitting in the empty space and it felt wrong that a certain raven-haired girl wasn't next to me, cuddling me.

" Archie whats wrong? Why did you do that?"  Betty says a little mad but with a soft tone. I don't blame her. 

" I know. Every day I have regretted it Betty. i just want her back. I love her." I say forcing small tears from escaping.

" Archie what happened" Jughead says softly as Betty just puts her head down.

" It was Reggie's Party on Friday and I went and Veronica didn't because she was at Betty's for a sleepover" I say telling the couple the flashback, " I had a few drinks but these drinks that Reggie got were really strong so i was easily drunk within seconds. I just remember thinking that I had to leave and walk home. Suddenly Valarie walked up to me and I, for some pathetic reason, thought she was Veronica because of the way she dressed. She then kisses me and I kissed back because I was drunk, not thinking that it was her." I say. 

" Wait Arch why did Valarie kiss you? Have you talked to her at school about it?" Betty says.

" No but the thing is she wasn't drunk" I say sighing. Betty mouth goes into an O shape and Jughead sits there silently thinking.

" Archie, Valarie probably still likes you even after your break up with her ages ago" Jughead says.

" Shit" I mumble.

" Archie, I think you need to tell Veronica exactly what you told us about the party" Betty says. Jughead nods, agreeing with his girlfriend. An idea pops in my head.

" I have an Idea. Meet me at the gates 15 minutes earlier than school opens" I say leaving the confused couple.

~The next day~

" You guys get the plan" I say to Betty and Jughead who nod, smiling.

" Quick here she comes!" Betty says as me and Jughead dash into school leaving Betty to talk to Veronica.

Betty's POV:

" Hey V" I say smiling at my bestie.

" Hi B" Veronica smiles as we walk into school.

We walk to Veronica's locker and she opens it to reveal a note with 1 single red rose. She gasps at the sight.

" What does the note say" Trying not to give away that i already know.

" I love the way you smile" She says smiling at the cute compliment.

" Who do you think it's from" She says, facing me.

" A secret admirer maybe" I say winking. She giggles.

" Yeah right Betty!" She says as the bell goes.

Each day Veronica kept getting cute little cards with 1 rose,which made a bouquet of roses that she put in her bedroom. Today was the day she found out who, this secret admirer, was.

" Ooo let's see what this one says today" Veronica giggles opening her locker. She then lets at a huge gasp.

" What? What!" I say curiously. The note read I love you.

" Omg" She says. I notice a sentence at the bottom of the card.

"What does it say at the bottom?" I point out.

" Turn around" She reads out loud. Confused she turns around.

" Archie" She whispers, eyes widening.

Archie's POV:

" Archie" Veronica whispers my name and her beautiful brown eyes widen in surprise.

I was holding 1 single red rose.

" It was you all along" She says shocked.

" Veronica, I regret what happened at the party every day, every hour, every minute, every second. You are the most beautiful,gorgeous,caring and funny girl I have ever met. I love you so much Ronnie. Please don't leave me" I say as tear well up in mine and her eyes.

" Oh Archie, I love you so much too" She says she walks over to me and I wrap my arms around her and kiss her. The kiss was passionate and full of love. I could never stop loving this girl, even if I tried.

Authors Note:

Sorry, i posted this and then read the Part 1 to this story and realised that Veronica got it by a car! So i changed the other one so that didn't happen! 

Thank you for 1.2k reads :)

Keira Xx

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