Break up ( Varchie)

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I'm sorry to break Varchie up but if you find this good, comment for a part 2 and I will get them back together :)

Veronica's POV:

I walk into school meeting Betty, Archie,Jughead and Kevin in the student lounge.

" Hey Guys!" I say smiling as they all greet me, except for Archie who is nervous. Strange.

" Hey V" Says my best friend. I sit next to Archie and give him a peck on the cheek. He just stares blankly at the floor.

" So have you guys done the science homework" Jughead says awkwardly breaking the silence. He puts his arm around Betty and they kiss.

" Urgg Yes! Honestly Science is so boring! I can't wait until we get to miss lessons and do Carrie the musical!" He says excitedly. 

" I know right" Me and Betty say at the same time. We look at each other and then everyone bursts out laughing. Everyone except Archie. He clears his throat.

"Well guys, Reggie just texted me. He said he needs to tell me something" He says putting his bag on his back. I stand up with him.

" I can come with you?" I ask.

" No!" He says with a slightly annoyed tone. I sit back down confused as he walks out of the room.

" See you later" He shouts back.

" What's up with him?" Kevin says raising an eyebrow.

At Lunch:

Me and Betty join the boys at lunch in the cafeteria. They were laughing about something, even Archie.

" Hey!" Betty says as she kisses Jughead on the cheek and sits between him and Kevin. Jughead smiles and scoots over. I go sit next to the now grumpy Archie Andrews.

" Whats up with you?" I ask him.

" Nothing just leave me alone Veronica!" he says harshly. Suddenly the drama queen of the school, Cheryl Blossom, walks up to our table.

"Oh no" Jughead mutters.

" Hey sad breakfast club! How are you all doing today?" She says as Betty rolls her eyes.

" Well We're ..." Kevin starts to say before being interrupted by the red-headed girl.

" Don't care! Anyway Archie, Have you told Veronica what happened at the party on Friday!" Cheryl says.

" Cheryl please be quiet"Archie says gulping.

" Oh really not the fact that..." She says as I look back and forth and the boy and girl next to me.

" Shut it blossom" Archie shouts giving her a death glare. Now it's my turn to gulp. Cheryl just rolls her eyes.

" Not the fact that you made out with Valarie" Cheryl says smirking. I freeze.

" You what!" I scream. The whole cafeteria is silent.

" Veronica, it didn't mean anything! We were drunk and and I still love you!!" He stutters.

" YOUR A CHEATER, A LIAR AND MORE! FOR GOD SAKE ARCHIE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! WE ARE OVER YOU HEAR! OVER! GO BACK TO SNOGGING YOUR EX OKAY!" I scream in his face with tears streaming down face. I throw my water over him and run out of the cafeteria. Betty  runs behind ,me shouting my name but her voice is blurry

This is short but anyway :(  ( not really sure if i like it)

Again thank you so much for 1k reads!!! :)

Keira Xx

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