You're my girl PART 2 (Choni)

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Toni's Pov:

Whoever this Heather girl is. I definitely don't like her.

She keeps touching Cheryl and ignoring me.

Giving Cheryl the goo-goo eyes. *eyeroll*

Staring at her lips.

No I don't like her. I hate her.

Today was Thursday and its been a week since Heather's arrival here at Riverdale high. And its been a nightmare.

Me and Cheryl are talking at our lockers when the dreaded blonde walked up to us.

"Hey Cheryl " Heather says flicking her hair and waving. Cheryl politely waves back and smiles. I just glare at Heather.

"So Cheryl, how about coming round mine on Saturday for a sleepover?" Heather asks, battering her eyelashes. I cant believe that bitch said that when I'm here.

"Um sure I'd love too! Can Toni come too?" Cheryl asks holding my hand. Heather's smile drops and then answers with gritted teeth.

"Yeah sure. The more the merrier" She says with a fake smile. Might I say that was the worst fake smile I've ever seen.

At Heather's house:

I knock on Heather's front door and take a deep breath. The blonde opens the door.

" Toni right? " She asks.

" Um yeah" I say rolling my eyes.

"Come on in" Heather says and turns on her heels. This is going to be a long night.

( 12:00)

" Let's play Truth or dare!" Heather says excitedly and with a mischievous spark in her eyes.

" Great idea!" Cheryl says and looks at me. I shrug.

" Okay I'll start! So Toni truth or dare?" Heather says smirking.

"Truth" I answer confidently.

" I've heard a few rumours that you slept with Betty Coopers boyfriend Jughead Jones. But then after that you got with Cheryl. Is she a rebound and is this rumour true?" She says still smirking. Cheryl ,shocked and confused, silently stares at me.

" Yes I did sleep over at Jugheads, but we didn't sleep together. I needed somewhere to stay cause it was too late. Plus I was and am into girls and Jughead is deeply in love with Betty and she loves him too" I say and Cheryl sighs. But Heather's not done.

" Okay fine. But is Cheryl a rebound?" What a stupid question.

"Of course not! Cheryl is definitely not a rebound. I love her!" I say and Cheryl smiles. Heather frowns.

" I want to do another one. Cheryl, truth or dare?" Heather say quickly.

" Dare" She replies.

" I dare you to kiss me" Heather smirks. I freeze. Cheryl just sits there confused. "Oh come on girls it's just a dare. Just a peck" Heather says leaning closer to Cheryl. Cheryl hesitantly leans in too. I cant look.

Their lips meet. Cheryl pulls back but Heather pull her in. It turned into a make-out. Tears spring to my eyes. I grab my stuff and sprint out of the house. I hear Cheryl's distant cries. She catches up with me just as I was about to cross the road.

" Toni! Stop. It was just a kiss!" Cheryl's says pulling me back. I scough.

"Just a kiss?! Cheryl you too started to make out! And you didn't even pull back or stop! It's obvious Heather likes you and is trying to break us up" I scream.

" Don't blame this on Heather. She has nothing to do with us! Jeez Toni don't take it personal it was bloody truth or dare!" She screams back crying.

"Unbelievable. Sometimes you can be such a clueless bitch!" I shout and turn on my heels.

Suddenly Car lights blind me, a car horn deafens me and a scream echos through my head as everything goes black.....

Thank you so much for 9k reads!! :))

K x

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