Kat: FriendZoned

82 9 5

Reviewed by CaliKat000

Author: Mejososush
Title: FriendZoned
Genre: General Fiction


Cover: 3/5
Your covert is cute! But it also doesn't scream 'Read me!'. I suggest finding something a bit more on the 'bolder' aspect seeing as the MC has that kind of attitude thought process.

Blurb: 2/5
I found your blurb hard to follow. With the statements and three foreshadowing of it all. One thing I did like is the fact that you didn't say "not your average teen" or something along those lines. You kept it basic and straight to the point.

Title: 3/5
I like the title but I don't see much creativity in it. With all the elements within your story I'm 100% sure you can come up with something great!

Plot: 7/10

It's a cute plot. I enjoyed reading the start of it, but I was expecting a bit more action between the friends within the first few chapters. Just to get deeper knowledge on their relationship and kind of friendship.

Character development: 9/15
I think you can do better in developing each individual character. Something I noticed is that you 'cram info'. You don't have to state every detail about the character in a single chapter. You need to space things out, giving one or two details at a time. This will help the reader not feel overwhelmed by all the information being thrown at them.

Spelling and grammar: 7/10
I saw many little grammatical errors, but I think everyone makes these kind of mistakes. A few other things I saw while reading through your book and that caught my eye or thought is that you should take note of the fluency of you sentences. You story was a bit difficult to read because I had to decifer and imagine what you where trying to say. While transitioning scenes you seem to, just, 'switch'. There's no warning (3 small stars) or description of someone , entering into another room. I also think, you could condense your paragraphs. You tend to restate what you have already said and that only confuses the reader more.

Overall: 7/10
I like where the story is headed. Your on your way to becomeinf a great author. Keep writing! And don't forget to proof read!

Other comments:
While reading your story I felt like to you were making a direct path for the readers and that made me feel like I couldn't chose what character to like and disliked, you had it all planned out. I think it takes away the emotion that the readers might have. I suggest having the MC have a open mind about other people in the book. Also, when writing the MC try and give her a voice of her own. While reading I felt like I was only hearing from the author and never the character.

Hope this is a help! Good luck on writing you story!

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