Kat: Designer Human

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Reviewed by Key Keeper Kat CaliKat000

Author: Kenerelda
Title: Designer Human
Genre: Science Fiction

Cover: 1/5

Your cover kind of threw me off after reading your blurb. It looks very anime rather than realistic which your blurb does an amazing job at describing. Also, the lettering is very hard to read.

Blurb 5/5

Wow, just, Wow! Your blurb is amazing! It's a bit long but is really good. I was drawn in within the first paragraph. You are a fantastic writer. All the details and descriptions are very vivid. I could imagine everything you were describing.

Title: 5/5

I like that you incorporated the meaning/plot of your story within the title. I have seen a lot of titles that have nothing to do with their story.

Plot: 8/10

Your pt is interesting and there is so much action laced between the characters. I felt like I was part of some of the scene when a character got hurt. You write imagery very well and everything seems to flow a just the right speed during it all. I don't think I have read anything like your book before. It was nice to expand my thoughts about what life would be like during an artificial intelligence war.

Character Development: 15/15

I like that you create emotion in which the readers can relate to. You describe the pain and the desire so well. You developed your characters in such a way the readers feel connected to them.

Spelling and Grammar: 7/10

Wow, you use so many complicated words! I think that if you mellowed out the use of your vocabulary and use figurative language you, you don't have to compare things all the time but it creates deeper meanings and allows more creativity. I saw that you switch tenses every now and then, don't worry I use to do this a lot, I suggest you go through and figure out which tense is best for you. I personally find it easier to write in first person, but I also like to challenge myself to write in other ‘persons’ too.

Overall: 7/10

Other Comments:

I thought you did a great job developing your plot and using a huge vocabulary, as well as, creating characters with such emotion. I enjoyed the way you added detail to every scene as well.

Kat <3 <3

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