Kat: Wickedly Yours

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Reviewed by Key Keeper Kat CaliKat000

Author: queen_of_sas
Title: Wickedly Yours
Genre: Historical Fiction

Cover: 2/5

I don't know what it is but something about your cover is very boring to me. It doesn't give me that 1900s vibe. The colors don't blend together very well to me. I suggest finding something that reflects the era of that time.

Blurb: 3/5

You have a nice subtle introduction to your story through your blurb. The only thing I suggest is that you add a little more foreshadowing or background information. Right now, your blurb covers the basics, characters, and a little bit of conflict. Readers want to know who the characters are, why the conflict occurred, why is it happening to the character and what is to come because of that conflict/problem. All within 2-3 sweet paragraphs.

Title: 3/5

I like your title it definitely reflects your plot but I also feel like it's very modern compared to what they would call what your characters really are within your book. Go with something more historical. To me, the only reason the word ‘wicked’ would be brought up or thought of is if someone thought someone was involved with witchcraft or if they were going against the towns religious ways.

Plot: 6/10

While reading I thought that you kind of divert from the plotline off and on. I also noticed that your research on the customs faltered. You slip into a more modern tone near the end of most chapters, that tends to confuse the readers when they are into the 1800-1900s era mindset. You need to really drive your plot and not focus so much on the details. Details are important but sometimes you overdo it. Focus on your plot. Every chapter should push the plot forward as well as create some conflict.

Character Development: 13/15

Something I saw is that you put Sophia's point of view first before Blake's. I think of Blake as the driving force of the novel. He is the 19th-century man of Seduction within the story which really has a huge part of everything. I like how you did a great job of conveying how different the two main characters are. Their personalities are so vividly different.

Spelling and Grammar: 7/10

I like how descriptive your writing is and that you obviously have taken the time to research so that you're able to write in the vernacular whilst also retaining a modern voice. You have wonderful descriptive language. You paint such beautiful pictures/scenes with your way of describing detail. I really like that you can tell this is from the 1800-1900s and see all the historical attributes you laced throughout your story. Everything flows great together and you have a great word choice vocabulary. It's very well written and relatable. I can picture everything so vividly. You are very good at creating imagery.

There were some mistakes throughout the book, things like a break in the flow or some spelling errors and other things like rephrasing problems. I suggest you go through and fix all your little errors. Also, proofread each chapter before posting it.

Overall: 9/10

There were a few historical inaccuracies but overall I really liked it. It was intriguing and it is obvious that you took your time in doing your research.

Kat <3 <3

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