Kat: Hellfire: The Nether Series

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Reviewed by Key Keeper Kat CaliKat000

Author: tammygisselle0602
Title: Hellfire: The Nether Series
Genre: Fantasy/Werewolf

Cover: 5/5

I think your cover is amazing! Its interesting and definitely reflects the title. I love the shadows with eyes, really creative. It's very eye-catching. Great work.

Blurb: 4/5

Your title is very confusing with the act it gives compared to the facts in the book. Otherwise, I think your blurb is great! It gives a great overview of the plot and foreshadows perfectly.

Title: 5/5

I love your title! How did you come up with it? It is a perfect fit and it has a nice ring to it as a series title. Can't wait to know what the next book will be named.

Plot: 8/10

Your plot is so unique! It's like a werewolf, mafia, gang, revenge story! It was really interesting and very enjoyable to read. You have very long chapters that were tough to read because it felt like you dragged on at points. It was an awesome read though! Best werewolf story I have ever read, actually!

Character Development: 9/15

I like the relationship you created between the siblings. But you don't give much description of them, it makes it hard to imagine what they look like, other than Draco's blue eyes.

Spelling and Grammar: 7/10

There were some parts where you didn't clarify who is speaking which confused me but overall your grammar and spelling is great. I think you should expand your vocabulary though. You use words that are very overused. You should proofread and work on transitioning sentences.

Overall: 9/10

Other Comments:

I loved how different your book is compared to other werewolf stories! I mean what's better than a half-demon werewolf?!

I highly recommend this book to all werewolf book lovers!

Kat <3 <3

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