Kira: The Story of Kay's

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Reviewed by Key Keeper Kira Kenerelda

Author: @Kyra_KR
Title: The Story of Kay's
Genre: Teen Fictions

Cover: 4/5 

The cover is really good and attarcts readers so it's definitely a good cover for competitive stuff. It gives a basic idea of what it's all about. 

Blurb: 4/5

It's good and the words itself seem a little painful at first when you read it with all the contradicting thoughts of the characters involved. You could add a little more though.

Title: 4/5 

The title is like wonderland, you open the book and get lost in the world of dreams, peaceful, painful, soothing yet a stinging sensation courses through. The title is just very suitable. 

Plot: 8/10

A good cover can attarct readers but a good plot can get you loyal readers. It certainly has a good plot and the story just moved ahead with a slow soothing pace that you just enjoy with a mug of coffee or any beverage. It's the kind that just makes you sit and relax while reading it. Light-hearted yet at the same time delivers so many different feels. 

Character development: 13/15

The characters are so wonderfully well made that their development is pacing slow and steady with no holes in them. They just proceed with such tenderness. 

Spelling and grammar: 7/10

Very few errors but worth reading. The descriptions are just so beautiful. 

Overall: 8/10

It's just beautifully well written and the descriptions in the books making it slow and steady, without any major holes. Overall, it's a really good book.

Have an amazing day! 


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