KAT: Dead Beat

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Reviewed by CaliKat000

Author: MolayneMelody
Title: Dead Beat
Genre: Action

Cover: 1/5

I do not like your cover. I think if you made, or have someone else make you, a new cover something realistic you would have a more wide spread span of readers.

Blurb: 5/5

I really like your blurb. It’s written very well and includes details potential readers want to know. Its short and simple.

Title: 4/5

Your title literally explains it all. Her life is crazy!

Plot: 8/10

Your writing style is a little weird. I was so surprised at the beginning. I did not expect her mom to die! Well, murdered. But still! How you build scenes kinda freaks me out it’s like a horror story! And Oh my gosh I was listening to a song my brother was playing from his room that went perfectly with it. I think it was His brightest star was you by Two steps from hell and Thomas Bergersen or Hurt by Thomas Bergersen. I like that the plot is fast paced and that there is a lot going on. Everyone keeps dying! That's 3 people in two chapters so far! And that would be the worst birthday ever.

Character Development: 7/15

Love the detail you put into the story. I feel like you only develop what the character sees and the the surroundings but not really the character.

Spelling and Grammar: 8/10

I love your word choice and sentence fluency. You’re a great writer. Your grammar Isn’t the best. You switch tenses a lot but other than that it’s better than most books I’ve read. I’ve only seen small things with spelling like is is supposed to be if and my is suppose to be me in places.

Overall: 7/10

Other Comments:

Fantastic start! I really liked the descriptions and details. There are a lot of murders going on in every which way! I think your book should be put in horror, haha. Great job


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