Kat: Rescue

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Reviewed by Key-Keeper Kat CaliKat000

Author: Todom2
Title: Rescue
Genre: General Fiction


Cover: 1/5

I don’t understand it. It looks like someone just threw a red piece of fabric and someone took a picture. It is not very good quality either. There are no eye appealing qualities are put into it but at least there is a cover rather than a blurred photo of your profile picture. I can help with that if you want. I have a cover shop on my profile.

Blurb: 1/5

I think The blurb could use some help. You need to inquire sentence fluency and more detail. Of course, don’t give what happens away but foreshadow the main idea(s).

Title: 2/5

I feel like your title is so simple. There are no contrasting colors or eye appealing fonts that stands out against the background. Try to be more creative when writing a book in all aspects; diction, fonts, fluency, etc.

Plot: 6/10

I like where the storyline is going but I would make sure you keep track of the little things in each chapter you write. After each chapter, I advise you to mark the key ideas and make sure to make a response to within the next chapters through another character's voice/tine.

Character Development: 9/15

I like the relationship you gave the characters. You formed their personalities amazingly. I do wish you gave more of a back story though. SO the readers could know what the sister's thoughts were while everything was going on. Also, if you use more detail the events thoroughly it will keep the suspense longer.

Spelling and Grammar: 7/10

I noticed you use a lot of extended metaphors. Which is good but can also be very bothersome. Everything feels like its repeating itself. You also switch tenses a lot. Your story is good but it would read smoother if you didn’t have those tenses mixed up.

Overall: 7/10

Overall, the concept was great. I liked your plot and THAT PLOT TWIST THOUGH!!!! What the heck? I mean I totally didn’t expect that! Great job!

Other Comments:

I think you should work on your grammar (The tenses) and the presentation of your book. The cover seems dull and unprofessional so readers stray away from clicking on your book. I think a great cover and longer blurb will draw more people to your book.

Kat <3

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