Kira: The Power of Death

21 6 1

Reviewed by Kenerelda

Author : flaminghaven
Title : The Power of Death

Cover: 2/5

Could've been more creative and nice but satisfactory since the name of book and author is clearly visible.

Blurb: 4/5

Definitely peaks the reader's interests. 

Title: 3/5

The idea's great. Matches with the blurb and sounds interesting which attracts readers to read the blurb and finally curious to know the story.

Plot: 7/10

The plot is great since the story is really interesting but the way you put it into words makes it lose its good points since there are a few minor plot holes. 

Character development: 7/15

I found the main character a little degrading and not really very interesting. A bit more descriptions about her and improvements in her personality might make a really good change. It isn't as efficient but well done. It needs a bit fixing but good. 

Spelling and grammar: 7/10

There are a lot of grammatical errors, if possible, correct those when re-viewing for errors, spelling mistakes are not many or noticeable. 

Overall: 7/10

It's a nice book overall. I liked the idea you put in there and it's really interesting at first but then somehow the words don't get through to the reader, like it's just another random read. Putting in more depth and a little bit on the character development. The way she addresses rest of the female crowd is not expected since that's a little degrading for the character itself. The length of the chapter is fine, making it a little fancy like separating the author's note and story with a few asterisks would look pleasing to the eye. Descriptions don't really draw the picture, creative but a little more improvement would do. 

A few disturbances with the flow of reading when the readers can easily spot grammatical mistakes, so that too. 

Other comments: The idea you got is really really good but a proper execution of it will make it better. Improvement needed. 

That's all. 

Have an amazing day!


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